
Archive for February 29th, 2024

New Beginning

Looking at the orange sky

Finally turning blue

The moon still rises.

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Do you enjoy your job?

I like the question so I’ll answer it briefly. Maybe you are referring to a day job, an 8am to 5pm that you have to report to from Monday to Friday and Saturday even, if you have overtime. I did that years ago but I retired from it when I was 43. What? You mean too early? But family comes first, right? Since we couldn’t find good helpers anymore, I have to stay  at home and take care of my family. After all these years, I no longer miss commuting and going to an office job everyday wearing corporate attire that goes with being a unibanker.

But if you ask if I enjoy staying at home and doing everything for my kids, I don’t consider it a job  rather it is an obligation done out of love. Believe me, there is nothing glamorous about preparing meals every day, cleaning  the house, sweeping the yard, watering the plants, sometimes doing odd jobs too but I have enjoyed doing them over the years. I enjoy grocery shopping at our village store. When I need something that isn’t there, I go to the mall and to the supermarket. I like our home spick and span always.

I always have the “me” times that perhaps other people don’t have. I indulge myself with hobbies that I enjoy. Reading has become a priority too. Lately, I am enjoying painting by numbers. Yesterday, I was talking to Nissa and she promised me that she’ll buy a diamond painting kit so I could try doing it too. Blogging is a daily activity that I enjoy. When I feel so lazy to cook, I order food online from some neighbors in our village and they deliver it free of charge. They send the list of their menu for the day that I could choose from. They are a lot cheaper than ordering outside.

Life is a happy life with the family. Although Nissa, Obet and Nate are far from us, I still enjoy getting in touch through Messenger.

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