
Archive for February 1st, 2024

Since Mom died, our dining table has become my ‘office table’ of sort. Early in the morning when I wake up, I gather my two tabs, cellphone, my medicine box, eyeglass for reading and my utility box for my hearing aids which contains extra batteries, moisture absorbing capsule and the set of hearing aids of course and bring them out of the bedroom. They are nicely distributed in all four corners of the table. As soon as I finish my morning chores, I sit there comfortably until I have to prepare lunch. I take a short thirty minutes to one hour nap in the afternoon.

This morning, I was checking my Lazada deliveries online and commenting back on my latest WordPress post when I removed my reading glass but it was not here. All along I was reading without it. I was supposed to water the plants. Looked for it every where, on top of the bed, below the bed, on the dining table and even in the comfort room using the flashlight of my cellphone at the same time muttering a prayer to St. Anthony to help me find it. Imagine almost twenty minutes of looking for it. Finally, finally, when I moved one of the night tables, I found it lodged between the night table and the foot of the bed. A big sigh of relief. Maybe it fell while I was arranging the bedsheet and pillows.

Definitely getting old and sometimes forgetful.

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