
Archive for February 27th, 2024

I am about done  with my Seascape. All of my five projects are on a 50cm x 40cm canvas. They are big and require so many colors.

A while ago, Jovy gave me a new DIY project which is too small at 20cm x 20cm, a square one. And it looks really, really so complicated,  it looks like a layout of a girl in pony tails. There is no picture. I wonder how I am going to do this. So, so small numbers.

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Just One Day

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?

I’d love to answer this. For me, it is not a question of who rather it is more of being a bird for a day. I want to be an eagle so I could explore the world, fly to different places and dream big too. An eagle has the longest lifespan. They have amazing eyesight which I don’t have. They are resilient which is good. They don’t need to eat every day to survive.

Again since this is a hypothetical question, I want to be an eagle for a short while.

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