
Archive for February 12th, 2024

If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why?

Here’s my take. If I have the power to change a law,  I would not bother. Honest! Those people in the government are the same ones violating them. Corruption and greed are in their vocabulary. If I have the power to make one though, I would pass a law protecting our environment.  Unlawful mining, deforestation, unlawful cutting of trees the result of which brings flood everywhere, converting rice fields into subdivisions etc. Come to think of it, we are an agricultural country and yet, we import rice. There is not enough help extended to our farmers. There is not enough support to bring their harvests to the lowlands. And we, here in the city are forced to buy expensive food in the market while we sometimes see farmers dump their goods elsewhere because nobody buys them. Waste of everything.

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