
Archive for February 14th, 2024

My post, Happy Hearts’ Day which I wrote back on February 14, 2011 is getting so many views. Most viewers come from the Philippines. Got around more than 500 views on it alone now since last night.

This coincidence of being Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day speaks of one thing, God’s LOVE for mankind from the Cross.

Happy Hearts’ Day to all.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Since last night until this morning my stats is booming all because of a blog post I did back in 2011 entitled Happy Heart’s Day.  They must really love celebrating Valentine’s Day.

I attended the 6am Ash Wednesday mass. Sad to say, I didn’t understand it well even with my hearing aids on. The words had echo which is quite loud to my ears. That is always a problem when I go to mass and because of this, I prefer hearing and attending masses online. Will attend one later.

As I left the church around 7:15am, I just smiled seeing everything red. Red ballons, fake red roses, red teddy bears and in some other colors wearing red ribbons, fake small flower arrangements and the three flower shops were selling flowers, red roses at that at an exorbitant price. There were no jeepneys so I walked about half a kilometer from the church to the junction to get a ride. I dropped by The Medical City Clinic to get the results of my laboratory tests. As I understand in layman’s term, they seem quite normal but I will know this coming Saturday when I go back to Kaibigan sa Kalusugan.

Don’t get me wrong but sometimes I ask myself why some people have to show that they care and say those lovely words only during Valentine’s Day. Supposedly, we show are love for our families, relatives and friends anytime of the year as time allows.  I agree though that today is something special for lovers, right?

Today, the significance of the start of Lent maybe overlooked by some. For us Catholics, it is a day of fasting and abstinence, although there are exceptions –  the elderly, those who are sick and pregnant women. We also abstain from eating meat the whole Fridays of Lent.

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