
Archive for February 16th, 2024


Write about your approach to budgeting.

Suffice to say, I learned it while I was still in high school. Since my daily allowance was limited, I have to think of everything first before I could buy them.

I majored in Economics when I was in college. That helped me how to make a good budget. When I got married, every year I had a small notebook where I jot down all my expenses even including a twenty five cent worth of candies. I summarized them every month then every year.  I knew my cash on hand, cash in bank, a few stock investment and what extra cash I have for some purchases that I don’t really need. There were several envelopes marked as Josef’s and Nissa’s fares for the month, monthly allowance for marketing, allowance for groceries, payments of utility bills and credit card and allowance for emergencies. When they graduated from college, I still had a listing of my monthly expenses which I maintain until now. I have a big journal for that. I know when to tighten the belt and when to make “luho” some days. Nowadays, priorities are for my  maintenance medicines and for groceries.

I’ve always said in my previous blogs that earnings less savings equals expenses. Although I can’t often follow it now, I am glad that even with my meager monthly pension, I get by.

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Something To Think About

From Pursued

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