
Archive for February 4th, 2024


How do significant life events or the passage of time influence your perspective on life?

If you were to ask me, those somehow difficult life events taught me how to be strong amidst trials and tribulations. They taught me to have enough faith in God that I could surpass everything that comes my way.

My health woes started when I was seven months pregnant with Nissa forty one years ago. I had preeclampsia, hospitalized for a month until my obstetrician decided that I could give birth at eight months. She was a low- forcef baby at 3.9 lbs. She was left at the hospital for almost a month more before we brought her home.

As I have previously mentioned in another blog post, I had my first major operation in the year 2000. I had total hysterectomy because of endemetriosis. One thing though that really taxed my health and strength was in the year 2009 when I found out I had stage 3 colon cancer. I needed to undergo sigmoid surgery and six cycles of chemotherapy. That was followed by kidney bypass a few months after my chemotherapy. That was the time I told myself, if it’s meant to be and if God wills it, I will be cured. Those who are regular followers of my blog know the rest of my health struggles until now.

I’ve become so cautious about what I eat, what needs to be done to get well so I can be with my family longer. I used to be a worrier but I have left everything to God now. I am grateful of the blessings and graces He bestow on me every day. He gave me the courage to face all the challenges that I encounter every day and the hope that all will be well someday, somehow.

(If I am not mistaken, I think WordPress has asked this before but I don’t remember answering it.)

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