
Archive for February 26th, 2024

Proud to say I’ve tried some DIY projects over the years. I’ve started with cross-stitching, simple designs at first but a bit complicated later on. At first I used the usual 14-count Aida cloth but graduated with 20-count. So small for my defective eyes back then. I gave some framed pieces to close friends, four are on our wall, some unframed ones and a few left undone. I have several skein threads left but I am not sure where I kept them. The unfinished and unframed projects were rolled in a plastic tube so they won’t fade and get dirty.

When I got tired of cross-stitching, I tried candle making even reusing some left-over candles in our cabinet.My brother Noel sent me a candle thermometer. Nissa helped me source raw materials in Divisoria. I had a lot of scents for all the jelly candles I made. I even bought a dozen shotglasses for it. Wicks can be bought by the yard and I also bought some candle molder. I didn’t try tapered candles though because they needed a peg board to dip the candles.

Right now, I am on my fourth Print by Number project. The longer it takes, the more complicated it gets. I  gave them all a title, the first one A Man With Flowers On His Head, the second one I called Giraffe, the third is the Lighthouse. I thought of naming the fourth By the Sea but I think Seascape sounds better. What do you think?

So far although cross-stitching and painting need a lot of concentration and are both hard to do, I guess the former is harder.  When you make a mistake even on a single stitch, the whole design would be destroyed while in painting, you can paint it over when it dries. The smallest numbers are the hardest because when you are not careful, they overlap.

Who knows, I might try diamond painting one of these days as Nissa suggested. As long as my eyes are still good to see small figures, it’s okay. I let them rest frequently.

I almost forgot that for a while (that’s about a year) I did rosaries too and gifted most of them to friends who visited me. Nissa is more of the arts and craft maker in the family. She did her own cords when she got married using various designs of swarovski crystals. She made rosaries too which she gave as mementos to all her secondary sponsors. When Nate was born, I gifted her with a jade rosary that I made along with a short prayer included in the rosary box, prayer for Nate and for her to get well soon. She delivered via CS.

I opted to use the prompt WordPress posted today, it is a little easier when you can’t think of a good content to write about.

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