
Archive for September 25th, 2018

I guess he deserves these  wonderful additions to his collection –  Hulkbuster, Iron Spider and Thanos. Rewards from those lovely awards for the first quarter of the school year.  Way to go Nate!

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These fake news propagators are just too much. Who would even think of doing this to a child, allowing her to rant  and say bad and unpalatable words in  several videos  about VP Leni Robredo, Sen. Trillanes and Sen. Hontiveros?

Obviously, there is a director and scripts behind all these. What does a child know about politics mouthing those ugly words? They are using her for their own selfish ends and bad intentions. I wish someone would report this to the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).  There is an existing law on child abuse – child exploitation.  There is a department that handles children’s concerns. It is so sad that some of those who still believe in the present administration would do all means to destroy their opponents and political enemies to the point of using an innocent child.  It clearly speaks of bad parenting, setting a bad example for the kid concerned.

I say “sayang”. They are feeding her all those lies just to be on top of the game. Why have we come to this? Where are those values that we learned early in life? Is it because of money?

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So Happy For This Kid

Proud of you baby. it would surely be a nice celebration for us on Saturday and your awards are the best gifts for your Mommy who’ll be celebrating her birthday on Friday.

via So Happy For This Kid

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Imagine yourself awake at 4 am. Up with the lark so they say.  Imagine yourself holding a broom (walis tingting) and a dustpan in front of your house  sweeping the street with cigarette butts, candy wrappers, plastic with straws thrown by unscrupulous passersby.  Imagine yourself sometimes seeing a whole bag of Jollibee or  McDonald’s trash thrown by people in cars just passing by our place.  How dare they do this, it pollutes the environment and a sight for sore eyes.  But they are undisciplined. One of the reasons why sometimes we get flooded when it rains hard.  You can’t help but shake your head in wonder. Don’t they clean the surroundings of their homes? Are they just happy throwing their trash everywhere? It is a case of, “as long as it is not in my backyard, it is okay”.  Really!

Nowadays, it’s my daily routine, waking up early, meeting the dawn and the sunrise and sometimes enjoying  few precious moments in the garden. I sleep early too. Around 8 pm, I couldn’t get my eyes wide open enough to read a few more chapters. I feel so sleepy.  Maybe that’s what’s growing old is all about.  The routines are comfortably  and necessarily observed and followed in our lives.

I am getting nostalgic again. I think of the younger days trying to recapture those moments of bliss.  See what the morning brings? Nostalgia  🙂

“People leave traces of themselves where they feel most comfortable, most worthwhile.” 
― Haruki Murakami



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