
Archive for September 2nd, 2018

I’ve missed my usual beginning of the month blog post  here.  Posted about my tagline instead. Well, anyway,  today is just September 2 and this post counts as one.

I  recently checked my profile  at Goodreads. It’s nice to know that among all the millions of readers and books at Goodreads, I found this stats. It is for the Philippines’ top 100  readers only.

#86  Best Reviewers

#62  Top Reviewers

I think the best reviewer option is practically new. It  wasn’t there a few months ago. There is a slide down from #59 to #62 for top reviewers. I don’t know how they  usually arrive at this since some followers are from other countries. Come to think of it, I only have  59 friends mostly from Facebook and about 1,157 books in my virtual library with 94 reviews in the last twelve months. I don’t always review the books I  read.  I don’t even like to summarize a story of the whole book but write about how it touched me and how I enjoyed it.

I love Goodreads. I am able to read some reviews before I buy and read a book.  Been a member here since  October 2011 before shelfari.com closed for good.  I haven’t even explored all the features of this site. I haven’t joined their community – no group discussions, no trivia, quotes and the likes. They have several tags and writing genre. You just have to choose and read a short synopsis of the books you want to read.

When I am not on WordPress, I visit Goodreads for new releases and when I am not on Goodreads, I write some memes and shout outs on my wall at Facebook.  Goodreads is always updated with new publications and  the release dates.

“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.”
― Jane Smiley

How nice that the BER months are finally here. Oh yes, I didn’t forget, the  Christmas countdown has just begun. Happy September friends.



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