
Archive for September 1st, 2018

Have you noticed? I just changed my tagline.

From this:

For the nth time, I wish I could put into words the thoughts burning in my mind. I do not know how you could take interest in reading all these muddled thoughts.

To this:

Moments  cherished, memories kept, dreams fulfilled  and little things that make everyday a blessing. 

I feel the first one is no longer applicable since I’ve shared my thoughts for so many years now. And they are not muddled anymore, they are everyday things that make life uplifting and such a joy to see. In fact I could no longer recall all the things I  wrote several years ago, all of 2,356 posts  in this blog alone including this  latest one.  If I were to add the other posts I’ve done  in  my four other blogs, maybe it would amount close to 3,000 entries.

I was thinking of changing the theme too but I feel most comfortable with this one,  Misty Look although I played with the header changing it to some of my previous photos.  So each time you click a single post, the picture changes and I like it that way.

Maintaining  a blog is still a joy for me, an almost everyday thing that keeps me grounded and a little creative in the process.  It’s a guilty pleasure.

Thank you so much for visiting and leaving your thoughts here. I do appreciate your “likes” too.


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