
Archive for September 17th, 2018

The sun is hiding its face again. It is so dark outside but it is not raining.  Early this morning, I saw a lone sparrow  atop the electric line of Meralco. I wished it was nearer so I could take a photo.  I seldom see those sparrows now. When we still had our avocado tree, I used to hear them sing every morning.  I miss the sounds of the early morning. Just fixed the branches of our Bougainvillea which were  toppled by the winds. One branch is presently flowering.

I harvested Calamansi and Blue Ternatea flowers for our neighbor whose husband died a few days ago. We talked of so many things – about life and dying, our kids, the economy and the events of the past days  during her husband’s wake. I taught her how to cook blue rice and add  few drops of vinegar when cooking rice so it could last for at least day without refrigerating the unused portion.  The small cap of the vinegar will do.

I am waiting for my Blue Ternatea to produce  pods so I could also share them with some friends. The bright blue flowers are nice additions to the garden.



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