
Archive for September 23rd, 2018

I was looking for some loose change early this morning for my tricycle fare in going to the church to hear mass. It has to be exact so I could avail of the 20% discount for senior citizens. Haha, some drivers are honest but some take advantage, not giving enough change when you pay in peso bills.

Then I thought of my piggy bank. Actually, I’ve  separated the five-peso and ten-peso coins from the one-peso coins in two  empty round plastic jars of hand and body cream from The Face Shop. I haven’t got around yet to buying a new one since  I threw the old one two years ago. Last December, on top of the transformer toy I gave Nate for Christmas, I also bought him a big plastic piggy bank. It was  the first time he owned one so he requested all of us at the house to fill it with coins. It is the easiest way to teach kids  the value of money. Piggy or coin banks are the first steps that would teach you how to save.  Before you know it, they’re  filled up.  They come in several designs although  most of them are in the shape of pigs, different colors too. Most piggy bank nowadays have those inner bottoms that you could open when you are in need of loose coins. Reusable!

Have you ever owned one? They come in handy at those moments that you need coins.  They also come in designs of big pencil cases or  in the shape of tin cans.

I am planning to buy something like this, if I could find one in pink.

I often see some big jars in malls where they ask for donation for loose change to give to some charitable institutions. When paying your purchases, you could donate your change . It could be in paper bills or coins It is actually voluntary. Believe me, some are just happy donating even in so small amount.

When I started working in the bank, I learned to arrange bills in my money fold or wallet from the smallest denomination to the big one. Usually during December, you could have your big bills changed into twenties or fifties, crispy new bundles from the Central Bank.

Reward yourself at the end of the year, with all those loose change you can even buy something in your wish list. Happy to save  🙂

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