
Archive for September 4th, 2018

Good morning everyone. I hope it is another happy day for all of you.

I’ve overhauled my blog slowly the past days. I noticed that there are some new bloggers who followed me and some are  reading my old posts which I have already forgotten. My mind says, “did I write all those?”And my thoughts wander and  wonder.  Yes, I did.  Some are quite emotional posts, some are a little inspirational, some are just thoughts and ramblings of the old me.

Blogging has come a long way. All these years, I’ve been sharing myself in cyberspace and I love it that I came to know a lot of people in the blogosphere and became friends with some of  them.  Although we don’t see each other and probably have no chance at all to see them personally, I feel a little closer because they share their lives and stories too.

We love stories, don’t we? We love it when  we have similar aspirations and dreams in life. Short of saying, “You too?”, it is really wonderful.  I love seeing your photos, pictures of your family,  places you go to and you’ve been to, your garden blooms, your  daily routines and what have you.

We may have different cultures but everything merges here in one community of bloggers.

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