
Archive for October 15th, 2020

Josef and Jovy were on leave today from work. They bought some groceries for us and the Samgyupsal grill. I had chicken, pork, and several kilos of fish and some veggies delivered today with no extra charge. I am glad that the seller took time to make a price list of what I ordered and printed it. They have vacuum-sealed everything except the veggies. That’s what I call good service. At last, I found a seller who is also after the convenience of the buyer. I haven’t eaten fish for almost two months now because I could not find someone who sells them fresh at least…. until this morning.

We enjoyed a yummy dinner with everything grilled. The samgyupsal tasted so good with all those side dishes and sausages plus the fresh Romaine lettuce. The thing is, it is a little hard to clean the grill.

This afternoon, Josef and Jovy brought the three furry loves to the animal clinic. They have to go back to fetch Noki for his anti-rabies injection. Cookie has her five in one shots and they told me that the vet calls her Taba. During the week that she stayed with us, she gained weight. Taba means fat…hehe! Oreo is now done with the eight in one shots. Actually, all three of them have gained weight especially Noki. He is not used riding in the car so he held on to Josef on their way to the vet’s clinic. Cookie just went to sleep when they reached home. She is well-behaved unlike Oreo, short of opening the door by himself, he keeps jumping every time the two arrive home. He knows the sound of the gate opening.

I was busy, haha! Busy reading.

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Yesterday was rainy, today, the sun showed its face. But there is another super typhoon looming and will probably enter the Philippines come Sunday. I am praying it won’t and if ever, it won’t affect Metro Manila. I hate floods. I hate the rain when it pours non-stop.

My air plants are growing nicely. I have them in my bedroom. Early this morning, I put them on the floor where the sun’s rays shown. They had a sun bath for about twenty minutes. It is nice to grow these undemanding plants, you just need to mist them a little every day and immerse them for a bath at least once a week for ten minutes, dry them and put them back to their vases.

Na adik na yata ako sa air plants 🙂 I keep looking at the different varieties online. I still have a vacant rose gold air holder. Maybe I’ll order some Stricta air plant in a few days. Thinking about it….haha!

The two fur babies stayed in my room for a while and I laughed at how Cookie kept looking at our sliding glass doors seeing herself there. When Oreo was little, he did the same thing. Maybe they were both puzzled why there were more dogs like them 🙂 I took shots of them of course, taking so many pictures.

Behaved? Yes they are. Their carers are not around.

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