
Archive for October 6th, 2020

I lost most of the photos I uploaded on my documents in my computer. I should have copied them to my hard drive but I was so lazy. Anyway, at least some of them are still in my camera.

I could not concentrate reading until I master this block editor a bit. I am finally getting the hang of it. Hopefully in the next few days, I’ll be well acquainted to it.

Spent the time gardening the last two days. I was able to trim our carabao grass and plant more seedlings in the process. I actually ordered three air plants together with air plant holders at Lazada. Here’s the first one.

It is called Ionantha CV air plant. I hope I could propagate it someday. My order of different colors of Zinnia has just arrived from Lazada. I hope they thrive as well. I divided my Sedum, planted them into four pots. They love the sun.

People call those who love plants plantitos and plantitas here. I’ve been a gardener for too long to be called such, I’d rather be called a simple gardener.  Those who are crazy about those lovely plastic pots, some with even corrugated designs  just love to show off what they have planted.  I’d rather plant them direct to the soil if I can.

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