
Archive for August 2nd, 2018

Digging, pruning, weeding replanting.

I spent the late afternoon in the garden. With the little breeze coming in, it was the perfect time to garden. Replanted some Vinca seedlings which I found inside the pot of my Bougainvillea.  The soil was soft, I guess from the previous rains we had a few days ago.  Maybe tomorrow if the good weather holds, I’ll be done weeding and pruning my Fokien tea plants.

While I was admiring the new pink lily blooms, I saw this lovely insect in one of its petals. I am pretty sure it was  not a butterfly because of its large body and  clipped wings. I loved its color of pale green with black spots on the side. I was about to get my camera phone when it flew towards our kalamansi trees.  I could not distinguish the leaves and the flying insect so I let it be. Sometimes, you’ll just smile at the added attraction when you are in the garden.

I noticed that my dwarf  Ruellias are sprouting flowers again but instead of just one color which used to be just purple, they  now come in white and light pink. Pretty good to see other colors in the garden.  Ruellias are also known as Mexican  Petunia. The flowers though only last a day.

The Roselle seeds I planted a few days ago are now showing their tiny faces. So excited to see them grow. I wish all the  different seeds I planted lately would all grow.

I grow plants for many reasons: to please my eye or to please my soul, to challenge the elements or to challenge my patience, for novelty or for nostalgia, but mostly for the joy in seeing them grow. – David Hobson



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I was supposed to garden for a while but the sudden drizzle put a stop to it.  Now the sun is up and it’s hot outside.

Starting the month right with a few posts…hehe. Anyway, yesterday Nissa sent me this latest photo of Nate wearing a Katipunan attire.  Maybe they had a program in school commemorating those earlier historical events.

Haven’t seen Nate for more than a month now since he has classes during  Saturdays to make up for those past days when there were no classes because of typhoons. Though we talk over the phone, it is always nice to see them personally. There is nothing like playing together, laughing out loud, sharing a meal and lots of stories.

I miss you baby. Stay well and good.

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