
Archive for August 6th, 2017

You and I will grow old one day, that’s a fact of life.

I often hear mom say that she is becoming forgetful. Sometimes, she always forgets where she put down her eyeglasses. Sometimes, she goes to the bedroom and simply forgets why. At her age (she is now 88), I am so happy that she is still with us. Never mind that most of time, she gets irritable and moody. They say that when you reach the ripe old  age of 80, everything is a bonus. Agree?

It happens to me too, sometimes when I have something in mind to do or get at the bedroom, I often forget what it is when I reach there. I have to go back again and think. I dread that time when I could not exactly remember things or people around.

Are you afraid to grow old? Of course each one of us has that hidden fear of reaching those years. But  we are so lucky and blessed that we were given these chances to enjoy life at the moment. We are so blessed that we are  still healthy despite the occasional aches and pains that accompany getting a little older.  We are so blessed that we still enjoy what life deals us despite those somewhat gargantuan problems that arise at times.  No one can escape vicissitudes in life. What matters is our attitude towards everything.  I believe that we become stronger for every curve ball that we experience. We learn and we remember.  Positive attitude counts.

Yes, we also grow a little wiser as we grow older.  Wisdom comes with age so research say.  We  are more decisive in doing things than when we were younger.  We are more focused on  not just the way something is done but how it would impact on our lives.  As we grow older, we  remember  with childlike wonder how we coped before today. We remember the good times  and smile at the though of those earlier years. Treasure that wisdom, treasure those moments you laughed and smiled and cried  with joy in your hearts. Treasure the days ahead, they will give us more lessons where we could learn more.  Enjoy the passing days, they are precious.




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Yes, it’s Sunday.

We attended mass a little late at 8am. My son was still snoring gently at 6am, our usual time to hear mass. It rained for a while early this morning,  a perfect time to stay a little more in bed.

What I like about  Sundays? They are relaxed days for me.  Though we only stay at home after hearing mass and do some grocery shopping, I still love Sundays. I could check those blogs I follow and discover new ones. I love reading their posts, looking at the photographs, learning and admiring new places and learning a lot from some sojourners too. It’s a perfect day to really catch up on more chapters of a book you love.  Oh yes, chatting with friends online.

What’s your Sunday like?

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There is a soft breeze

making the curtains dance

And our dog Noki

is gently snoring at my feet.

What a blessed day.

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