
Archive for August 22nd, 2017

Sometimes  you  just feel that tiny apprehension that you  have covered all the subjects you want to blog about and there is nothing more you can explore.  Or maybe you have lost your muse in between and you don’t know how to start again.  Have I blogged about this before? You asked. Have I mentioned it in my previous posts?

One such subject that I do enjoy writing about is blogging.   How many times have I written about this topic?  It’s been there since  I started this blog.  Do you agree that the more you do something in the long run, it gets easier?

Blogging is a dream come true for me. I tried publishing a few posts at Friendster back in 2007  then a friend recommended a new platform called Multiply. Both closed their sites years ago.  I had about close to a hundred friends at the latter and I enjoyed exchanging ideas with them, talking about families, music and more on current events.  We posted photos, food recipes, songs from our  own collections, movies  that touched us at one time (copied of course from YouTube).  It was a social media platform where I met some friends personally.  It was a chat board. Then came Facebook.  I am still there even if sometimes I feel it is so noisy but it is quite easy to chat with friends from all walks of life. It is quite  easy to find old friends you haven’t seen in a decade.

Ah yes, blogging.

Sometimes I feel that reading interesting blog posts is like reading a lovely book in installment, you discover a page every day and you want to see what the next scene will be.

I miss my friends/fellow bloggers who have quietly left the scene because the chapters are not complete.  WordPress keeps on improving their site and sometimes it gets confusing to learn an added tool. I still use the old format until now. I find it easy to edit here than at  the more improved one.  I  unfollowed some blogs  in the process. Most of those bloggers who put their links  in the comments went to my spam folder. Thank you Akismet for that.  I follow a particular blog because I feel there is something there that I can relate to. I tell you, specially to the new bloggers out there,  it is not practical and nice to follow a blog you have just discovered and ask them to follow you back.  Follow it because of its own merits  and don’t expect anything in return.  I do get curious though and I visit their sites.  It takes me more time now  and more inspiring and interesting posts to follow a blog.

Blogging, sharing, meeting new friends in the blogosphere. I love it all.


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