
Posts Tagged ‘Inspiring quotes’

Come to think of it, I haven’t handled a book the past week except for choosing three ones which one of my nieces gave me when I had lunch at their place last Thursday. Being busy at the house in the province cleaning and fixing things, visiting my brother at the hospital every day, preparing dinner for my niece (my brother’s daughter) and me when we get home, we survived on canned goods, roasted chicken from Chooks To Go, and yes, tasting the best  “bamboo shoots” veggies cooked by my cousin in coconut cream. The best I’ve tasted in years.

And speaking of books, I want to reread this one which I found exactly three years ago. The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate is such an inspirational one. And here’ I am adding more lovely quotes from that book.

“Fear builds walls instead of bridges. I want a life of bridges, not walls.”

“Prayers are answered in ways we don’t choose. The river of grace bubbles up in unexpected places.”

“Dawn comes after the darkness, and with it the promise that what has been torn by the sea is not lost. All of life is breaking and mending, clipping and stitching, gathering tatters and sewing seams. All of life is quilted from the scraps of what once was and is no more- the places we have been, the memories we have made, the people we have known, that which has been long loved but has grown threadbare over time and can be worn no longer. We keep only pieces.

All colors, all shapes, all sizes. “All waiting to be stitched into the pattern only you can see.

“In the quiet after the storm, I hear you whisper, ‘Daughter, do not linger where you are. Take up your needle and your thread, and go see to the mending…”

“Help them to show the world that our greatness is not in things we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others. In power that channels itself into kindness, in a hand outstretched in love.”

I need more inspiration at the moment.

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This is one of the best quotes I really like. I don’t know why I have this sudden desire to blog about mirrors and reflections.  What we are and what we  want to be are sometimes reflected in the way we see other people. There are times when we feel so attuned with people  we just met because we are entirely in sync with them. Our thoughts are on the same wavelength, so to speak.  Sometimes, that’s where friendship begins.

There are moments though that all we see of ourselves are what we believe we are but they are just reflections we borrow from other people. We tend to gravitate towards those who have the same interests and aspirations like we do. I don’t actually believe in the adage that opposites attract. It’s  rather, you see something in the person that you admire so it is easier to befriend him or her.  Deep within, you have something in common and the mere fact that you are also different in some ways makes  the encounter a little something to look forward to, it makes the encounter a little more interesting.

So what do you think is the best mirror where you can see yourself as you truly are? I think close friends fill that role in your life. They are our daily mirrors where the truth is reflected, the truth that we normally don’t recognize ourselves. Sometimes, we see a little crack at the edge but that’s part of the journey, it’s kind of dull when everything is smooth, we need to be reminded that life is a challenge that we need to face.

And let me end this blog with a lovely quote from Edith Wharton, “There are two ways to spread happiness; either be the light who shines or be the mirror who reflects it.”

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“I guess that’s all forever is…Just one long trail of nows. And I guess all you can do is try and live one now at a time without getting too worked up about the last now or the next now.”— Nicholas Evans (The Horse Whisperer)
“Sometimes what seems like surrender isn’t surrender at all. It’s about what’s going on in our hearts. About seeing clearly the way life is and accepting it and being true to it, whatever the pain, because the pain of not being true to it is far, far greater. “— Nicholas Evans

I am looking for that last book published by Nicholas Evans. It’s now on paperback. I  wish I could visit National Bookstore soon and buy a copy. I have copies of his four books published earlier than The Brave, have re-read them all because I simply love the stories.


Nicholas Evans was born and grew up in Worcestershire, England. He studied law at Oxford University, graduating with first class honors.  He is one of my favorite authors.





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I am picturing this scenario in my mind. What if Richard Paul Evans suddenly announces that he is coming to the Philippines to promote  one of his books? You guessed right, I’ll be the first in line to see him and have him signed my book collections personally.  A few months ago, an online friend sent me a signed copy of  The Last Promise, so I know how he signs his name but it’s probably more exciting  if I see that smiling face and commit it to memory. Wishful thinking I guess but I am a fan 🙂

Last year, my daughter gave me a wonderful birthday gift. I had the chance to attend a book-signing of his favorite author and had pictures taken with him. Nicholas Sparks’ books are permanent fixtures in our mini library because she never fails to give me a copy during birthdays and Christmas.

And it’s fun using WordPress’ gallery feature!

P.S. Happy birthday Richard! Here’s to more inspired writing!

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I was caught by the lazy bug tonight so I am just sharing more quotes from one of my favorite authors, Richard Paul Evans.  A few months ago, I shared his collection of  quotes here, culled from some of his published books.


There are times when you badly need a word or two to lift you up and inspiring quotes come in handy, they make you realize that life despite its ugly face sometimes is still worth-living!

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I revived doing these inspirational quotes in pictures. I now have around one hundred quotable quotes from my Facebook album, some of them are original quotes from my blogs.  I have to upload close to two thousand pictures from my camera – mostly about nature , my garden and the places we went to the past two years since I bought my Canon IS120.

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Took this picture last year during our traditional Visita Iglesia, at Christ The King Church, Quezon City.

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Here’s another one of my favorite Mary Oliver quotes!

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