
Posts Tagged ‘thought box’

Come to think of it, I haven’t handled a book the past week except for choosing three ones which one of my nieces gave me when I had lunch at their place last Thursday. Being busy at the house in the province cleaning and fixing things, visiting my brother at the hospital every day, preparing dinner for my niece (my brother’s daughter) and me when we get home, we survived on canned goods, roasted chicken from Chooks To Go, and yes, tasting the best  “bamboo shoots” veggies cooked by my cousin in coconut cream. The best I’ve tasted in years.

And speaking of books, I want to reread this one which I found exactly three years ago. The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate is such an inspirational one. And here’ I am adding more lovely quotes from that book.

“Fear builds walls instead of bridges. I want a life of bridges, not walls.”

“Prayers are answered in ways we don’t choose. The river of grace bubbles up in unexpected places.”

“Dawn comes after the darkness, and with it the promise that what has been torn by the sea is not lost. All of life is breaking and mending, clipping and stitching, gathering tatters and sewing seams. All of life is quilted from the scraps of what once was and is no more- the places we have been, the memories we have made, the people we have known, that which has been long loved but has grown threadbare over time and can be worn no longer. We keep only pieces.

All colors, all shapes, all sizes. “All waiting to be stitched into the pattern only you can see.

“In the quiet after the storm, I hear you whisper, ‘Daughter, do not linger where you are. Take up your needle and your thread, and go see to the mending…”

“Help them to show the world that our greatness is not in things we do for ourselves, but in things we do for others. In power that channels itself into kindness, in a hand outstretched in love.”

I need more inspiration at the moment.

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