
Archive for January 7th, 2019

It’s getting rather colder at night and early in the morning you won’t even need to turn on your electric fan. It’s cold enough. Hopefully this will last until the end of February when the summer days slowly set in. December to the early week of  March are the best times of the year here in our country.  It is usually sunny during the day with a slight breeze in the afternoon and an almost zero possibility of typhoon or heavy rains  here in our area. Usually though in some parts of Visayas and Mindanao, they still experience occasional typhoons around this time.

I am listening to YouTube with my headset on.  60’s, 70’s and 80’s music. Lovely! An eclectic mix of music genre from ballads, slow rock, fast beats to mellow sounds.  Compared to the sound of today some of which I consider noise, the music of these three eras are the best  I think. I remember those days when we only had the radio to listen to and knowing those wonderful songs and memorizing those lyrics.  Heaven 🙂

Catching up on my reading. I am done with four books this year three of which I started the last few days of December 2018. I am presently in the middle of reading Go Set A Watchman by  Harper Lee.  I  postponed reading this one, I had it since last year but there were more books and authors that held my interest. This is supposed to be a sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird.  Have you read it?

Come to think of it, I am writing this without a title yet and after writing 2,502 posts since I started blogging, I can’t think  about more titles to my post. Just feeling happy on a Monday.

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