
Archive for March 6th, 2016

I love  Sundays.

We have to wake up early though since we have to hear mass at 6:30am. Sundays are always lazy days for me.  I love bargaining with market vendors on what fruits are in season and since it is almost summer, you can choose from an array of fruits and root crops displayed on fruit stands near the church. We brought home two kilos of bananas, half a kilo of fresh peanuts and  a bunch of turnips. Heaven!

The other day I was looking  at old photos and albums  at Photobucket. I never realized that there are thousands of photos that I uploaded there. They are all labeled private. I laughed and smiled while browsing  and remembering those places we visited.  Come to think of it, I can count the photos on my fingers where I had solo shots. When you are behind a camera, you don’t get your pictures taken, right? It’s okay though, I’d rather point my camera to a lovely bloom or at nature’s best angle, at Nate’s engaging smiles.


Long before the word selfie was created,  I had  this photo taken on an early morning walk  in Caleruega. There was a time when I was elated just bringing a camera, a journal and a pen on morning walks like this.  There is something nice about catching an image  and writing about it. That lovely feeling of being in a certain place, alone with nature and listening to the sounds that morning brings. That lovely feeling of  discovering something that brings a smile and inspired thoughts that you have to commit on paper.  That lovely feeling of just  being there to enjoy the beauty of it all.

I don’t like  my face plastered  in every corner of social media like Facebook. I don’t even know how to use instagram.  My cover photos on FB are macro shots of flowers and blooms. WordPress is enough for me.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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