
Posts Tagged ‘Nissa’s birthday’

It’s my daughter’s  birthday today. Called her up earlier, she was on leave from work.  Funny how one feels about our kids’ birthdays. I remember the time I gave birth to her after staying in the hospital for more than a month. Almost on my 7th month, I had pre-eclampsia  so I had to be confined at the hospital. During my 8th month, my OB Gyne decided to induce the  birth since there was a fifty-fifty chance for us both to survive. She weighed 3.9 lbs. when she was born and was left at the hospital more than a month  after.  We took her home when she was about 4.1 lbs.

Feeling nostalgic remembering that day we were gifted with a tiny baby. God is so good. It’s been 35 years.

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Today I celebrate the gift of life with you. May you always be blessed. I love you so much anak!

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Today is my daughter’s 30th birthday! She told me early this morning that at the strike 12am, the baby kicked in her womb. I told her “maybe, that’s Nate’s way of telling you, Happy birthday mommy!”  Celebrating birthdays of your kids has that special meaning because you were part of that very special event when they came into this world. And I remember writing in her baby book when she was born, “Blessed Lorenzo Ruiz”. Back then, he was just beatified by Blessed JP II a year before.  Isn’t she lucky celebrating a birthday coinciding with a feast day of a saint? And San Lorenzo Ruiz is also very special because he is our first Filipino saint.

This is her baby picture,  and the baby  will soon be a certified mommy too. How time flies but the years in-between are certainly the best. Another journey is about to begin. Thank  You Lord for the bountiful blessings!

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As the name implies, it’s Italian. I just love Italian food and my two kids love it too so off we went to Bistro Ravioli to celebrate Nissa’s birthday. They’re both on leave, what a perfect time to have that family bonding!  This is the first time I tried this Italian restaurant. Can’t help but compare it with Bellini’s and Amici’s  but it does not fall short because their menu is as good as that of the high-end Bellini’s. As always, I took some shots of the place.

So we ordered four on the list of their menu and we were not disappointed. They were all yummy and delicious.

Spinach and Feta Cheese Ravioli  with Pomodoro sauce, roasted tomatoes and topped with pesto sauce. Hmm….melt in the mouth goodness.

Garlic Seafood Spaghetti , a seafood pasta with clams, squid, and shrimps sauteed in olive oil with capers and olives.

Another mouth-watering recipe, and they call it Rosticciana, tender pork ribs grilled and coated with barbecue sauce with potatoes as side dish.

It’s a Fennel Sausage Pizza, another specialty of the house. It has slices of home-made Italian sausages, bits of bacon and olives and capers.

After lunch we went to SM Makati  to shop for baby Nate. Nissa asked us to just buy things for the baby instead of giving her gifts. What a lovely day spent with my kids!


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The sun showed its face today and Nissa was happy because it is her birthday. She told us yesterday that two years ago, there was typhoon Ondoy right on our doorstep and she was not able to celebrate her birthday properly.  How time flies, I feel I am really getting old. Gosh, I now have a twenty-nine year old daughter who is getting married in more than a month.

Birthday breakfasts for my two kids are always time for reminiscing. They love to listen to our stories when they were born. Nissa was a premature baby and at eight months, we thought she was too small to survive. God has other plans though, because He gave us an intelligent, smart, caring and loving daughter.

It’s San Lorenzo Ruiz’s Feast Day today, our first Filipino saint and martyr. It is a special day for Filipino Catholics.

We’re planning to prepare something special for dinner tonight. We always celebrate birthdays in the family. It has become some sort of ritual to have Pancit, Pasta, Lumpiang Shanghai and one special dish for the birthday celebrator. Oh, it’s baked spare ribs. And we always blow candles during our birthdays. Nissa ordered White Chocolate Macadamia cake at Secret Recipe.I always equate a birthday being a new year in one’s life. It’s the beginning of another lovely year, full of blessings, full of things to be grateful about.

Here’s my birthday wish for you Nissa:

May this day bring to you all things that make you smile. May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. May God bless you everyday of your life. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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