
Archive for January 7th, 2017

I had another play with an app on Facebook.  Sometimes, they hit the nail on the head, sometimes it is just a play with words. Are they just looking in to a few shout outs I made there?

Here’s what it says:

Not everyone knows the fights you have had to fight in life. Not everyone sees your scars  and the things that you had to go through. What they see is a smile on your face  and assumes all’s well  but only you know how much you are hurting still.

It’s  partly true. One has to be strong to face all those early trials in one’s life. One has to have faith in what comes next. One has to believe.  Standing strong. Standing still.  These are words that  always stand out when I think of the past. These are words that make me hope  to be better, to dream more and just feel glad I am  alive.

The smile would always be there. I believe in greeting each morning with a big smile on my face. I believe  that everything would be okay the moment I wake up. I just believe. One could be sensitive and sentimental enough to reminisce a little of what has been, the good times would always be memories to cherish,   but sometimes one should be  bold enough to accept the truth that things happen (maybe for a reason), that they  are not  a part of one’s dream.  We should not be afraid to  see what is at the bend in  the road,  there is probably something more to discover  that  makes life more meaningful. When you have faced challenging circumstances in your life and you’re still standing, I call that courage. When you believe that eventually things fall into place, I call that faith.

I love this quote from Helen Keller: “Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into light.”  

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