
Archive for January 3rd, 2014

Yesterday has  been a busy day for me,  from sunrise to sunset (literally).  Some friends are coming over in a week and I have to do a bit of general cleaning and check grocery supplies that I will use for our get-together. I am excited since it’s been more than a year since I saw some of them. Who says working at home is easier than an office job is exaggerating. I would exchange my slippers, garden hose and brooms for a day  with a corporate attire complete with lunch at a  nice but affordable restaurant, catch and exchange news with former office mates instead of listening to the radio all day long while doing household chores.  One thing that I get to appreciate though is having my afternoon nap,  try to catch up on reading a chapter or two  then off to dreamland for at least an hour.

I promised myself I would jot down the titles of   all the books I plan to read this year and count how many books I could manage to get hold of but rereading some verses from a favorite book of poems does not count of course. And I thought of challenging myself (for the second time) to post once a day here. The question is, would I be able to do it again? Sometimes, it’s not the lack of what to write about  but how to go about catching one reader’s eyes to read my  post till the end.  I’ve seen plenty of quotes about 2014 saying that the days are like blank pages of a book that you need to fill up with your experiences, angst even and happy moments that you want to remember.  I’d rather dwell on the positive side because I want the rest of the year to be stress-free at least.

New hope. New Beginnings. New Dreams To Uphold. I’ve never been good  at keeping new year’s resolutions because I don’t make a list in the first place. I’d rather call them goals that one needs to reach and no matter how simple they are, it would be nice if at the end of the year, you’ve fulfilled some promises to yourself.  The “me” times are just as important as having occasional chats with online friends or having a laugh over at Skype with a long-lost friend or relative.  Noel, my youngest brother who is based in Tulsa is my regular caller on Skype. We would always talk about the kids and how life is away from one’s homeland, reminiscing the days when we were kids and marveling how happy we were despite the simplicity of life back then.  We would touch on Philippine cuisine and recipes that he miss because Asian stores in their area don’t sell all the ingredients that he needs. We would laugh at some remembered  jokes that  made childhood memories something to treasure always.

On new year’s day, I took  shot of some blooms growing in the garden. It’s something that would remind me of January 01, 2014.

IMG_5547Can you see the bud of this Mokara Orchid  showing its face?


And when it is in full bloom, it would look like this.

IMG_5551This is my variegated Aglaonema. A few months ago, the main plant died on me but I was surprised  to see this new bloom days after.

IMG_5550I’ve never been successful in propagating Crossandra from seeds. They’re now sprouting everywhere, randomly showing lovely orange blooms alongside my other plants.

There is a cold wind blowing outside and another cup of hot, hot coffee would surely be welcome. Here’s another promise I made myself starting this year, I would always appreciate what life has in store for me, no matter how painful some days may bring.

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