
Archive for September 29th, 2010

I decided to change my theme again and have gone back to Misty look by Sadish, only this  time I changed the header and uploaded a picture I took of  Pundaquit beach in San Antonio, Zambales.  I called this shot Infinity, more fitting I think to the title of my blog.

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It’s the last two days of September  and October is fast approaching!  I love the somewhat cooler days of October more so because it’s my birth  month.  For  almost a month  now, I’ve been the admin of the Apostles Filipino Catholic Community at Facebook.  Fr. Louie, who is the creator and moderator of the site asked me to help.  As I’ve said before, it’s an eye-opener for me and I am just glad that even in my own small way, I am touching lives of other people who are mostly OFWs from all parts of the globe.  I post my own prayers and reflections sometimes aside from the regular  Gospel readings and inspirational quotes.  I would just like to summarize  everything here so I won’t forget – it is easy to share when you are inspired  by their comments.  I will just have to post them by dates I guess since I started last September 4, 2010.

Sept. 06, 2010

Traveling the road of life may not be as smooth as we want it to be, the path may be treacherous and thorny but what matters is we get there and experience the thrill of a new dawn.

Sept. 09, 2010

Let’s all learn to dance in the rain, there is always something positive about turning problems into opportunities – to grow, to appreciate life and to be closer to God.

Sept. 14, 2010

THANK YOU Lord for a bright new day, thank you for the gift of new friends, thank you for the gift of family, thank you for everyday blessings!

Sept. 15, 2010

LORD, please give us the courage to face the day with joy in our hearts and lightness in our steps.  In You O Lord, we find our strength.

Lord, let me be worthy to follow You!

Sept. 16, 2010

Just keep hoping and believing, it’s in the ordinariness of things that sometimes we discover hidden treasures.  In moments of pain, it’s only faith that can comfort and sustain.

Sept. 20, 2010

LORD, grant me the gift of understanding others without being judgmental.  Grant me the capacity to understand all Your plans for me.  And may today be a gift for other people too, that I may also touch their lives in my simple way.

Sept. 21, 2010

BELIEVE…you are loved and you are important in God’s eyes.

Sept. 26, 2010

Good morning everyone, it’s a nice Sunday morning.  May God’s light and love shine upon you and may you feel the warmth of His embrace.

Sept. 27, 2010

Sometimes, God allows us to experience storms so we could learn to appreciate the sunshines.

Sept. 28, 2010

THANK YOU Lord for the sheer joy of seeing another sunny morning.  Thank you for a peaceful night of sleep.  Thank you for all the blessings and most of all, thank you for the small miracles you bestow on us everyday.

Sept. 29, 2010

LORD, thank you for the gift of seeing things like this everyday – Your grand design and an affirmation of Your love.

Took this shot a few weeks ago and experimented with putting some quotes in it.  and here are more quotes I made and posted at my wall on Facebook.

-Giving up is never an option.  when you had the chance to face your own mortality, you learn to appreciate more what life has in store, and you are just grateful that you are alive and kicking.

-Criticisms are welcome, but when they are delivered in a hateful manner, the essence of subtlety and the purpose for which they are given are lost, and they become just an extension of one’s disgruntled self.

-Finding  faults in other people without first looking into your own faults is one way of showing that you think you are perfect  but nobody is perfect in this world – if it comes to that, what a dull existence you have.

-How wonderful to begin your day in prayer and end it with a song.  How wonderful to know that  Someone keeps His ever-watchful eyes on you, guiding your way with His ever-loving hands.

Gosh, I can’t believe I posted all these just at Facebook.

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