
Posts Tagged ‘new beginnings’

Beautiful, inspiring and lovely celebration of the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night. For us Catholics, the summit of the liturgical year is the Paschal Triduum.

The Triduum started last Holy Thursday at the Last Supper Mass and ends on Easter Sunday.  I love those reflections on the Seven Last Words last Good Friday, the processions afterwards. The Easter Vigil lasted for almost three hours. Although I didn’t understand  the songs much, I still appreciated them. The church was lighted by candles before the liturgy of the word/readings. After the readings, the lights are switched on. One particular part of the Easter Vigil that I love is the renewal of Baptismal vows. First time in the history of Mary Mother of Hope chapel that an Easter Vigil was held there. At kumanta nga si Fr. Regie. Love his singing voice…haha!

Happy and blessed Easter to all. New life, new hope, new beginnings. Tomorrow, I will attend the Easter Sunday mass early at the Diocesan Shrine of our Lady of Light.

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Do you keep promises?

How are you at fulfilling promises? Either they’re promises to yourself or promises to people you love.

Back when I was still working at the UST Library during my student days in university, I met this guy who told me casually with a smile on his face, “promises are not made to be broken”.  Every time I am about to promise myself of this and that and assure my friends of something that I have to do, I remember those lines. I am more familiar with the lines, “promises are made to be broken”. 

New year’s resolutions are quite similar. They are promises to yourself that you wish to fulfill but sometimes forget in the process. They are words that played in your head for so long but you can’t keep. I’ve said before that I am not good at new year’s resolutions. I don’t make a list of them.  It would be nice though if at the end of the year you have fulfilled some promises to yourself. It would be lovely to look back, think of the struggles you have made and tasting the bliss of triumph in your soul. It would be beautiful when they make you smile and make you inspired to go on with life the way it should.

I saved these lines which I find so uplifting and try to post it every year when New Year comes. A good reminder on what life is all about.

Roy Lessin  from his book Meet Me In the Meadow

HAPPY AND BLESSED 2019 everyone!

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