
Posts Tagged ‘mid-term election 2019’

Allow me this, at least for a while. I might look strong on the outside but my heart is bleeding in the inside.

I mourn, yes, I mourn for my country.

Yesterday, they nailed the coffin for good. The end of democracy. It’s supposedly the last bastion to protect the Filipino people and yet the Commision on Election chose to proclaim all the twelve administration bets despite the clamor for manual count, despite the various anomalies that happened a week ago – defective SD cards, videos of election registrars filling in and shading empty ballots, 7-hour glitch in transferring the results from various precincts, malfunctioning Vote Counting Machines and many, many more. This election is a farce. And I guess there is no legitimacy in an election where the commissioners themselves who are tasked to protect the ballots break the rules. Some people said that this is the first time in the history of the Philippines in an election where not even one opposition bet won. In the local level, the opposition won in various areas but in the national level, they all lost.  It makes no sense to me.

Instead of bringing back those millions of pesos back to the government, they allowed the thieves to come back to the Senate. Think of this – a senator who wholehearted supported those extra-judicial killings, a thief, a loyal photographer/selfie maker/follower  to a president with no previous experience in politics, not even in the barangay level, someone who started campaigning a year before the election was held and the Comelec turned a blind eye, a former president’s daughter whose credentials are all fake, a good-for-nothing come-backing senator who did practically nothing in the past. They are complete, complete crooks if I may say.

Allow me to quote a few words from other netizens who are equally concerned with what is happening in our country.

They’re written in the vernacular but let me just translate it in the simplest way. Bato dela Rosa on illegal chinese workers “if they are illegal, make them legal”. Bong Go (the famous alalay), “I will put up a department of OFW”.  Bong Revilla (the come-backing senator) “if not for that budots dance, I won’t win”.

There was this poem published by the Thinking Class of the Philippines. Philippines, it is hard to love you.

The president has been absent from the limelight since the day of the election last  May 13. There are rumors that he was rushed to the hospital because of heart attack. I wonder why they are keeping mum on this when it is stated in the Constitution that the people has the right to know the physical health of a governing person.

And I wonder, why hold on to power even when you are not fit enough to govern. I call that extreme greed.


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Since last week, Saturdays and Sundays are noisy in our place. Those jingles by the local candidates are so irritating. They are more of noise than anything else. Yesterday, a group of supporters of these candidates paraded inside the subdivision. This morning, it was another batch and another party. They even stopped at the corner, a few meters from our house.

A while ago, Senator JV Ejercito passed by with lots of cars behind. He waved, I didn’t wave back. I am not voting for the guy. Based on what I see on social media, the candidates of Otso Diretso (which I am voting for in the Senate) are doing the rounds, personally meeting those in wet markets and other places where they are scheduled  to visit. Sen. JV belongs to another party which is spearheaded by Duterte’s daughter who is the present mayor in Davao City. The campaign jingle was so loud enough to wake a sleeping giant…haha! Even Oreo who was inside the house kept barking.

It’s just more than a month before  mid-term election. We’ll see how it goes. The administration candidates think they are all sure winners. Many Filipinos are now awake and know what is happening in our country. If it would be a clean and honest one, I am pretty sure they won’t win.

It’s our incumbent mayor’s third term this coming election. His former  vice-mayor belongs to the other party now and is also a candidate for the mayoralty. Almost every one here in our neighbourhood are re-electing Mayor Atty. Kit Nieto. He is the best and made Cainta number one town in the whole Philippines the last three years. A very approachable guy. In more than two decades that we’ve stayed in this place,  it’s the only time that I met a local official face to face. We even had a photo together at his office in one of my birthdays years ago. Our neighbors and I came to visit him to ask him for advice regarding our subdivision’s problems.

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