
Posts Tagged ‘longganisa pasta’

Sometimes I crave for pasta dishes in lieu of regular rice. Nothing fancy, just using ingredients which are available in the fridge.  Dicing half a loaf of Spam Turkey and six small Vigan longganisa (they taste more garlicky than your ordinary longganisa in the market), onion, one red bell pepper and one medium-sized carrot was easy enough.  Sprinkle some dried herbs before baking. I used four-cheese Spaghetti sauce and 400 grams of shell macaroni pasta.  I baked it in the oven long enough to melt the cheese on top.


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That’s right, it’s been a meatless week for Josef and I just  thriving on  fish, vegetables, and canned tuna.  And it’s really a challenge to come up with a variety of dishes using fish. It was a form of sacrifice for us during the Holy Week and now we’re back to eating meat, just have to cut it down in moderation for health reasons, obviously.  What were left in our freezer were several cuts of pork,  deboned chicken breasts, beef cutlets for sinigang and five dozens of those Alaminos longganisa which I ordered when my sis-in-law went home with mom to Pangasinan. Those tiny  sausages (longganisa) are the best in Alaminos.

This is the first time I’ve used longganisa in a pasta dish, another experiment in the kitchen that turned out good and yummy. I boiled a pack (1 dozen) until it rendered a little fat, fried it for a few minutes then mixed it with the simmering pasta sauce. The slight smoky taste of the longganisa added a touch of flavor to the dish.  We paired it with fresh buko juice – heaven!

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