
Posts Tagged ‘laboratory tests’

So I went back to my endocrinologist after three months. My blood sugar is normal although my platelet count is still high and my creatinine is a bit elevated. She advised me to observe three more months if I want to go back to Kaibigan sa Kalusugan. I texted the assistant of the naturopath practioner and she said it is up to me if I would continue the food supplements or not. My endo said, I am spending a lot on medication  and she believes with proper care my diabetes would be controlled.

I need to consult a hematologist though and since they don’t have one at the clinic, I have to go to the main hospital, The Medical City to look for one. My next check-up would be in July but my medical insurance will expire at the end of June. I hopeย  Nissa and Josef would renew it again for another year. Can ‘t afford the too expensive laboratory tests on my own. I told them both and Nissa said it’s a ‘no issue’ for her. Since Josef’s work insurance is under Intellicare, he would take care of it. Thank God for loving kids. They take care of me.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

I just finished reading a lovely book entitled The Music of Bees, a unique story about beehives, honeybees, drones, worker bees and their mother, the queen bee. So nice to encounter a book that speaks of people in an Oregon town, one is a beekeeper, a teenage paraplegic and a young man who was a felon. It speaks of the power of friendship, the courage it took the people  to defend their farms against a pesticide company that would destroy everything even the rivers and nature itself. I rated it four stars. Beautifully uplifting, warm and moving. It was a debut novel by Eileen Garvin.

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I’ve been to my internist this morning and asked him if he could issue a prescription to be covered by Intellicare. This is a request from the naturopath practitioner. My internist issued me one and prescribed medications for my colds. I asked the information nurse how much it would cost and despite the 20% discount as a privilege of being a senior citizen, it is still costly at 6K.

I am scheduled on Saturday from 8:30am to 10am. There is a required fasting for 8 hours and I have to bring 1.5 liters of water for the abdomen ultrasound. ECG, SGOT and chest x-ray will also be done.

Bless me Lord. Heal me.โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿปโค๏ธ

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Imagine fourteen laboratory tests to be done, a vialful of blood, 2 sets of urine specimens for urinalysis and urine culture. Although my medical insurance covered it all, I still find it too expensive.

After almost four months, I’m adjusting again to going back to the The Medical City Clinic. Had to go on fasting for eight hours then had my breakfast at 10am. I am glad to learn that after all those food consumed during Christmas and New Year, I only gained a minimal 2 lbs. A doctor friend says I need to gain more. That’s enough for me though. I’ll be back on Saturday to get the results and have that consultation with my endocrinologist. If I may say, she is a ‘segurista’, wants to make sure that everything is okay.

I found this lovely book (my 7th read this year) by Tessa Afshar called The Hidden Prince. I have just started it but what a gem of a book. Every chapter is filled with biblical quotes. Afshar was born in the Middle East, an award-winning author of biblical and inspirational fiction. This is my first book of hers. I want to find more because I love the way she writes. I hope I could also read Jewel of the Nile and Pearl in the Sand. All of her books have good reviews at Goodreads.

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A year ago, I consulted Dr. Manjo Singson at the Hub, Cainta Hospital for possible cataract operation. He examined my eyes and true enough, my right eye needs to be operated on and my left eye which was operated on five years ago in another hospital needs laser treatment. I had biometry and other lab tests prior to the supposed schedule but it turned out my sugar was so high so I consulted my internist at Medical City and had several lab tests for almost a year and he finally endorsed me to my present endocrinologist. As long as my blood sugar is not normal yet, I won’t get to have cataract operation.

The other day, I called up the assisting nurse of Dr. Singson and he said opthalmology consultation is by schedule now and he suggested that I drop by the hospital for scheduling. The Hub is a public hospital in our town complete with several doctors and specialist and since cataract operation is free of charge, there are so many patients mostly senior citizens. The first time I had it on my left eye, I have to spend so much in another hospital because the lens was not covered by my medical insurance.

I visited The Hub this morning, they open at 6am and I was there at the same time. The nurse at the triage told me that the next available schedule of Dr. Singson is on November 10. Wow! I can’t believe it. She suggested another opthalmologist and I’ll be back there next Tuesday not for the cataract assessment but because I have floaters on my left eye. It’s that dark, round object that you see especially when the light is so bright. I thought of consulting my former opthalmologist at the Medical City who operated on me before but I still have to undergo CT Stonogram and blood test this weekend. Josef agreed to accompany me to the hospital on Saturday. He knows who to contact at Intellicare, my medical insurance and the scan has to be done at the main hospital of Medical City. Seems like it is more costly than the CT scan on my ears a few months ago.

Need your prayers once again. Prayers especially from family and friends uplift my soul.

THANK YOU once againโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿงก

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