
Posts Tagged ‘films’

It   used to be 15 books in 15 minutes.  I tell you, I could  remember  more than 20 books at a click of a finger but movies?  I have my favorites, some of  which  I used to watch  several times but I could not honestly recall 15 movies in a span of 15 minutes.   There are other movie titles though  that would always make me smile every time and wish I could watch them all over again.   Old favorites, love stories that I liked,  some feel-good movies that  would always linger.  Back in  high school, I was invited by a neighbor  to watch a movie presentation for their film review.  That’s where I encountered Sidney Poitier in  a classic movie called  To Sir With Love.

“A novice teacher faces a class of rowdy, undisciplined working-class punks in this classic film that reflected some of the problems and fears of teens in the 60’s. Sidney Poitier gives one of his finest performances as Thackeray, an out of work engineer who turns to teaching in London’s tough East End. The graduating class, led by Denham (Christian Roberts), Pamela (Judy Geeson) and Barbara(Lulu) who also sings the hit title song), sets out to destroy Thackeray as they did his predecessor by breaking his spirit. But Thackeray, no stranger to hostility, meets the challenge by treating the students as young adults who will soon enter a world where they must stand on their own.”

In  fact, I have a copy of a video CD which I bought years ago and I’ve watched it several times since then. I just love Sidney Poitier in this movie. Don’t you just feel nostalgic hearing this song again? A big thank you for all the teachers who have molded the youth and still continue doing it until now.

Another movie that left an impact in my young life is an all time favorite, The Sound of Music. I could not count the times  I have repeatedly watched this film and every time, it never fails to give me the thrill. Don’t you just love  Christopher Plummer singing Edelweiss  and Julie  Andrews  dancing and singing  her way in the hills of Austria?

The Promise was a book written by Danielle Steel which was made into a movie .  I remember Michael , a wealthy heir and Nancy, a poor and struggling artist and how they were separated by a tragic accident.   How they made a promise and kept it in the end despite all the odds.  Certainly a tear-jerker but I love the twists and turns of the story.  It’s the only  Danielle Steel book that  is so vivid in my mind after all these years.  More than the book, the song itself  is very touching.

I guess, I Am Sam is the best movie that I have seen so far.  Sean Penn was at his best here and so was Dakota Fanning.  Tears just flowed  and laughter was not far behind while I was watching this great movie about a fierce  love of a father to her daughter.

See? My knowledge of movies and my sense or recall on what I have watched are  quite nil.    So you think you can dance?   Give me a book anytime or some music videos to boot and I’ll sing along with you.




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Don’t be fooled by me.
Don’t be fooled by the face I wear
For I wear a mask. I wear a thousand mask
masks that I’m afraid to take off
and none of them are me.
Pretending is an art that’s second nature with me
but don’t be fooled,
for God’s sake, don’t be  fooled.
I give you the impression that I’m secure
That all is sunny and unruffled with me
within as well as without,
that confidence is my name
and coolness my game,
that the water’s calm
and I’m in command,
and that I need no one.
But don’t believe me. Please!

This is just a part of the poem I copied in my journal when I was just starting college life. It’s entitled  The Mask I Wear, the author is unknown. Seeing the news today and the many tweets on the death of Robin Williams made me recall this poem. How much pain do we hide behind the mask? How alone do we feel after all the laughter and smiles? How often do we see ourselves in others? The gaiety becomes a feeling of anguish after a while.

Robin Williams is one of my favorite  actors.  Although I am not much into watching the big screen and television  reruns, he is one of those who could hold  my attention from beginning to end. I loved him in Mork and Mindy, I loved him in Mrs. Doubtfire, I cried  watching Good Will Hunting.  I am sad that he passed on at such an early age.  His legacy lives on.

You made me cry, you made me laugh. Robin Williams, may your soul rest in peace.

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They were dressed to the nines.  And they surely looked glam.  This is one of those times when I give TV viewing more of an exception than the rule – the latter being no TV watching at all hours of the day.  But who could resist programs like this?  I just saw Christopher Plummer being interviewed during the pre show.  He has grown old definitely, compared to the times I’ve watched him repeatedly  in  The Sound of Music. And J. Lo, what a pretty, pretty gown.  She is not just attractive but she is really beautiful to a T.  I remember her in Maid in Manhattan, Shall  We Dance and  The Wedding Planner, movies I’ve watched on DVD, playing couch potato to the hilt a few years ago. And Demi Moore’s gown is simply stunning for want of a  better word.

Meryl Streep still looks gorgeous despite her age.  A record-breaker, 16 times Oscar nominations.  Tina Fey and Steve Carell look good together. Kate Winslet looks slimmer now than when she did the movie Titanic. Taylor Lautner is  muy  guwapo. I haven’t had the chance to watch him on the Twilight series.

And the main event is truly “sosyal”. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin played  hosts, they had me laughing at their pretty scripts.  And here are the results of the 82nd Oscars.  I cannot predict which movie would eventually win because I haven’t even watched any of them.

-Best Supporting Actor – Christoph Waltz

-Best Animated Feature Film – Pete Docter in the movie UP

-Best Original Song – The Weary Kind , theme song from the movie Crazy Heart. It was composed by Ryan Bingham and T Bone Burnett

-Best Original Screenplay – Mark Boal from the movie  The Hurt Locker

-Best Animated Short Film – Logorama by Nicholas  Schmerkin. It’s his first academy win.

-Best Documentary  Short – Music by Prudence

-Best Live Action Short – The New Tenant

-Best Make-up – Star Trek

-Adapted Screenplay – Geoffrey Fletcher from the movie Precious, this was based from the novel Push by Sapphire

-Best Supporting Actress – Mo’ Nique from the movie Precious

-Outstanding Art Direction – Avatar

-Best Costume  Design  -Sandy Powell from the movie the Young Victoria.  This was her 8th nomination

-Best Sound Editing – Paul N.J. Ottoson  from the movie The Hurt Locker

-Best Sound Mixing – Paul N.J. Ottoson and Ray Beckett

-Cinematography – it was won by Mauro Fiore from  the movie Avatar

James Taylor, looking bald but still so good on the guitar sang In My Life by the Beatles as a tribute to those artists who recently died.  He was one of my favorite singers when I was in high school, back in the seventies.

-Original Score – I love the musical score of UP and I am glad Michael Giacchino won.

-Outstanding  Visual Effects – Avatar

-Best Documentary Feature – The Cove

-Best Film Editing – The Hurt Locker. Husband and wife team Bob Murawski and Chris Innis took home the trophy for this.

-Foreign Language Film – Argentina’s El Secreto de Sus Ojos (The Secret In Their Eyes)

And the highlight of course are the awarding for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Actress .  Jeff Bridges who was nominated for the fifth time, took home the plum as Actor in a Leading Role in the movie Crazy Heart. He said, ‘thank you mom and dad, for turning me on to this groovy profession”, both his parents are actors too.  Sandra Bullock, who wouldn’t love her ? This is her first time to be nominated in the Oscars and she won as  Actress in a Leading Role.  Best Director went to Kathryn Bigelow for The Hurt Locker, her first award and second nomination.  Funny though that she was in the same list of nominees with her former husband James Cameron (Avatar).  And the best film which won six out of nine nominations went to The Hurt Locker, a movie on the Iraq war.

I enjoyed watching the awarding ceremony and it is such a joy to see some of your favorite actors  on-screen.

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