
Posts Tagged ‘blogging life’

There’s that trigger again reminding me to start another blog post. I feel so lazy. I haven’t visited WordPress in a while.

I had a conversation with a friend from Canada (there were four of us when we were in college). Grace met an accident last Easter Vigil, had multiple pelvic bones fractures surgery which was not successful so she had a hip replacement surgery. Then she got infection in her gall bladder so she went under the knife again. Among the four of us, she is the only one who was not affected by cancer. All three of us had it, the two with breast cancer and me with colon cancer. Three survivors. Grace introduced me to their parish priest who also blogs about all of his homilies. I visited his site and left a few words via e-mail. He answered, how nice.

Last January, Sr. Thea, an FMM nun, told me that she was diagnosed with lung cancer this time after several years of being free from it. I don’t know about Precy since we haven’t gotten in touch for so long now. She changed her cellphone number.

Grace told me to be gentle and allow myself to grieve. Sometimes though, I still feel so low and couldn’t think of something nice to blog about. But I read, I am on my 82nd book this year. I found a book with Japan as the background during the 15th century. Just started so I don’t know yet if it is worth-reading or not.

I was laughing finding this on my newsfeed except that I no longer use a library card. I mostly read e-books nowadays and have my virtual library at Goodreads.
Another image the words of which I find provoking but it’s true. I remember a friend who told me once that the journey to life is not always a straight path.

Have a beautiful and peaceful weekend😘☺💐🌷🎉🎈🎊

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I just wrote my  2,525th post a while ago. From time to time, I visit my dashboard  and clean spam comments which are filtered by Akismet (just so blessed Akismet is here to classify those unwanted comments in our blogs).

How do you find bloggers that you follow aside from those who follow your blogs?  Some are followers of our blogger friends who probably read our exchange of comments and decided to visit and read a few lines. Some probably appeared at the bottom of your post because they had posted similar subject like you did. Anyway, no matter how you found them, aren’t you glad that you did? Lately, I visited and thanked those who followed my blog the past few days, reading some post and comments and liking those that are wonderfully written.  Sometimes, I return the favor and follow back.

Are you that kind of blogger who looks for seasoned writers with thousands of followers and statistics in their blogs?  Or do you take a chance on those blogs  with not even a hundred followers  but their writings are interesting and they have lovely contents? I am one of the latter I guess. Photo journals are lovely, blogging about farm life is interesting too but I love garden blogs. I love those flowers which normally don’t grow in tropical countries like ours. I love blogs about family and faith.  I am mesmerized by those photo blogs featuring countries like Italy, France and some exotic places in Asia.  I’ve found memoirs featuring these countries and read them with gusto.

Just received a comment from a blogger promoting a product.  And this was approved by WordPress because it was nicely worded. Sorry, I am not into it.

Blogging about blogging, anyone?




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