
Posts Tagged ‘alternative cure’

Good morning everyone!

I deliberately postponed going back to one of my doctors so I could obtain prescriptions for my laboratory tests which are needed by the naturopathic practitioner – chest x-ray, ultrasound of the whole abdomen and SGOT. They were not included in my latest lab last month. I feel so lazy going out because I have colds, cough and my throat is itchy.

I had my CT Stonogram a few months ago and everything in my whole abdomen was included there. Does everything change in just a matter of months? Maybe I ought to show it too when my additional lab test is done. The truth is I am tired of visiting doctors and clinics. The Medical City Clinic in Pasig is directly related to the main hospital. It is near our place and located at SM East Ortigas so it is more convenient if lab tests are not major ones. The doctors at the clinic are the same ones practicing at the main hospital.

For the last two years, I was a regular visitor/patient of an ENT, an audiologist, my endocrinologist and the times I had to visit a gastrointerologist so he could prepare me for colonoscopy which I had a few months back. I like to think that my low immunity is still the effect of my chemotherapy years ago. Sometimes, it takes a month before I get well with a common cold. So inconvenient.

I have to take my maintenance medicines before and after breakfast and after dinner too. I have to jot down the times I have to take everything including my food supplements which I need to take at least with two- hour gap between the two and at least thirty minutes before meals. No sweets, sugar and rice during dinner, no coffee or tea, no oily and fatty food. I told Nissa that I want to take the food supplements for at least a month before I go back to my doctor. She said that she consulted one of Kaibigan sa Kalusugan clinics but found the cost of their food supplements so expensive so she opted to have her thyroid operation more than three years ago. She was under the care of a surgical oncologist too. Stage one thyroid cancer is the most slow-growing type among all kinds of cancer.

Always praying for good health, a priority in my life right now.

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I’ve long wanted to visit Kaibigan sa Kalusugan since I found it for Alden when he was diagnosed with cancer. Back then, he did not want surgical operation and opted for alternative cure. He had three years more when he took food supplements prescribed by said clinic. They have several branches nationwide. Their head, Richard Nixon Gomez is a Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, inventor and scientist. He was awarded Inventor of the Year and Inventors Champion last November 2021. They have a TV program every day and I listened to it when they discussed diabetes the other day.

I asked where was the nearest clinic they have and they referred me to their clinic at Corinthian Executive Regency in Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City, about thirty-minute ride from our place. They hold clinic every Saturday there free of charge but the food supplements are quite expensive. The naturopathic doctor who saw me asked about my medical history, the medicines I am taking and laboratory tests I’ve undergone aside from my latest one last month. He said I should continue my maintenance medicines as prescribed by my endocrinologist but added four more tests not included there. Since they are not affiliated to any HMO, I have to visit my doctor this week so she could give me a lab request (covered by my medical insurance) then come back in two weeks to Kaibigan sa Kalusugan. I wanted to try their food supplements for diabetes before my next check-up with my endo. Based on the readings I did of these food supplements, they are quite good.

I hope this could help me lower my blood sugar if not normalize it together with my maintenance medicines. There need to be a two-hour lapse from taking the food supplement before I take my medicine. I will start tomorrow.

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You might wonder how our family has been since my brother was diagnosed with rectal cancer which has metastasised in his liver.

Allow me first to thank you all for  your prayers and words of comfort. It is helping us a lot that there are friends who also hope for a longer life for my brother.

Since he left the hospital, I call them everyday. He needs that moral support that we can give even in our small way. He has let go and let God do the rest for his healing. He decided not to undergo that much dreaded operation and even chemotherapy later on. Just to give you an idea, we are four siblings in all and my eldest brother underwent surgical operation with chemotherapy when he was diagnosed with the same ailment back in 2003. I had mine in July 2009 with six cycles of chemotherapy. I had doubts that this must be hereditary. There might be something in our genes  causing the three of us to have the same ailment. I remember what my medical oncologist said though years ago that genes/heredity  comprises only 10%  when you are diagnosed with colon cancer.

I was listening to my favorite  radio program the other week when they had this one-hour segment called Kaibigan sa Kalusugan  and their topic was about cancer and initial cure. They are a group of doctors who believe in alternative medicine. I left a message in their program which was also broadcasted on their Facebook page. One of their personnel texted me and gave me the details of their clinic near our place here in Manila. I texted back that my brother is in the province and Manila is too far for travel. They have a clinic in Pampanga  (more than seventy km. from our  place in the province)  so last Monday, my brother,  sis-in-law and a cousin who temporarily drives for them went for consultation. I googled their way of treating patients with different illnesses and I was impressed. Even my brother was all praises for them. They are doctors too. I was even more in awe when I read that they are known worldwide and that the medicines they prescribe to their patients are BFAD (Bureau of Food and Drugs) approved here in the Philippines.  My brother was prescribed three medications and they have to come back on Monday and bring new laboratory tests that they have requested. They even told him to continue with his previous medications prescribed by his doctors at the hospital.

This is a leap of faith. Hoping  for a better health for my brother. I always remember that God does not give us crosses that we can’t bear. He will always be there guiding our paths. Going through such challenges is quite heavy both for my brother and the family but we remain faithful and hopeful  to God’s wisdom and mercy.  There is a place where He wants us to be and we are truly grateful for that.

May God bless us all. 

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