
Archive for the ‘Dominican Mission’ Category


Among the many shots I took of Caleruega a few years ago during our two visits there, this image of Santo Domingo de Guzman (St. Dominic) is one that I like best. The garden surrounding his image is just so lovely and beautiful that you can’t help clicking your camera. Today, the Dominican Community  is celebrating St. Dominic’s Feast Day.  I remember my years of stay at University of Santo Tomas wherein every August 08 is a holiday  too and I am blessed with some Dominican priest friends who pray for me and my family.

I wish to share this prayer to St. Dominic  from the site stdominic.webhero.com/st-dominic-prayer.

Wonderful Saintly Founder of the eloquent Order of Preachers and friend of St. Francis of Assisi, you were a fiery defender of the Faith and a fighter against the darkness of heresy. You resembled a great star that shone close to the world and pointed to the Light which was Christ.
Help astronomers to study the stars and admire their wonderful Maker,
proclaiming: “Give glory to God in the highest!” Amen.

Happy  Feast Day to all my Dominican friends out there!


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Spent the early part of the morning having another kidney ultrasound.  I had KUB less than two months ago but my urologist requested for a new lab to see if there is an improvement in the  treatment of my kidney stones.   I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything would be okay – which means – I hope by now the stones  underwent a disappearing act on their own.   I’ve been bombarded (for want of a better word)  with medications for kidney and gall stones and a regular take of Ambasc for my blood pressure.    Finally, after more than three months of being so cautious because of the  DJ stent insert , I am scheduled to have it removed next week.   Hallelujah!  Life is good!

Hubby and I were able to swing by Jubileum bakeshop to buy their silky soft ensaymada.  I was in a quandary on what to choose, they have  lots of macaroons which look so yummy, and baked pies and pan de sal.  If I have my way, I would buy each of those displayed on their shelves, finally though, I settled for a dozen pieces of  special  ham ensaymada and two big loaves of ube bread.  Can’t wait to have them with a hot cup of green tea.

When we are in the area, we make it a point to visit our good friend, Br. Lovell at Sto. Domingo Convent.  It’s always a joy to share and to update each other on what’s the latest happenings in our lives.    He showed us the  Camiguin Norte Photo exhibit. I was impressed, I wish I have a good camera to capture photos like  those displayed there.  Right there and then, we joked about going to Camiguin next year (I wish) which  comes with a hope and prayer that I would be fit to travel.  He said it is a traveling exhibit  meaning, that after Sto. Domingo, there will be other places where it would be displayed.   Imagine my surprise when I saw all the photos in one of the albums of my other friend Philippe who is also a student of UST.  I asked permission to post some of the pictures here and he said yes, so people will know that the children  of Camiguin need help in their education.  The place is truly amazing.

Fourteen hour bus ride from Manila to  Aparri and  Four to Eight Hour Boat ride to Camiguin…..Wow!

Dolphins – a delightful show of grace…..amazing!

Lobsters at Camiguin….

Lovely, isn’t it?

How  lucky they are living in this paradise….

Credits goes to Fr. Joemar Sibug, OP and to my good friend Philippe Hernandez for allowing me  to share these amazing shots.

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