
Archive for the ‘cold weather’ Category

I set up a reminder on what day to blog on WordPress. I didn’t know Saturday is included.

Typhoon Fabian which I told you about yesterday wreaked havoc again in some parts of Metro Manila because of the monsoon rains pulled by the typhoon including our town. Two days of rain and some villages and subdivisions here were flooded. We were blessed and lucky that flood waters didn’t reach our place except the two streets near the entrance of our subdivision. Just the same, Josef and I prepared for any eventualities. I didn’t sleep a wink last night except around 5:30 am to 7:00 am this morning. I was monitoring the news in our town. Our good mayor was in our town hall the whole evening with his disaster team and he updated us almost every hour with what was happening.

Jovy brought our car to her grandma’s place in Quezon City just in case. Our two dogs came along. It was full of some of their important things including the 50-inch smart television in their room.

I was praying the rosary at around 4:50 am when I thought I was having nausea because of lack of sleep. There was an earthquake followed by a weaker aftershock. It was 6.7 somewhere in Batangas province. Most of my friends didn’t notice because they were asleep and it was still raining then.

When nature takes its course all you can do is pray that you will be safe from disasters.

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Sunday. 3:30 am and here I am, wide awake. I slept early though.

Uneventful September. It is slowly inching its way out and October is showing its face again.  October, my birth month, something to look forward to.

The stormy days are almost over and in a few days, “hanging amihan”  (trade winds) would be here.  It is the weather I like best  when the cool northeast winds take over the harsh and rainy months. This usually lasts until February of the following year. Shorter days, longer nights, what bliss!

October is the month of Mama Mary. It’s the rosary month. The celebration of La Naval de Manila is getting near. October is when the Siberian winds bring those cold mornings.  You anticipate, you get excited. After all,it’s only about 86 days more to go for that special day you’ve been waiting for.

Time  flies!

We’re now in the fourth quarter of the year and before you know it 2018 is gone. I do hope 2019 would be a better year for us all.




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I smell the scent of rain.

The sun shone for a while but it is getting dark again. A low pressure area is forming in the north that might bring  more rain to Metro Manila.  We always dread monsoon rains here because of flash flooding.  The  coming months of August and September  are usually the heavy rain months that extend sometime to the month of October and some strong typhoons still happen until December.  Gosh I always have that hidden fear during the rainy months. I am actually afraid when it rains non-stop and I am alone in the house.  I am praying there won’t be flooding here this season.

Senate and Congress are presently on interpellations    on the merits of extending Martial Law in Mindanao for another five months as desired by Duterte.  The 1987 Constitution states that  a president is only given 60 days to have Martial law in any place and beyond that, it needs the approval of  Congress and the Senate. This is a critical issue that they have to vote on. Knowing that there are mostly pro-Duterte groups  both in the Senate and Congress, they might vote for an extension although opposition groups are questioning the proposed rules of the special joint session. My gosh, they can’t even assure if they will be able to contain the rebellious groups in Mindanao after five months.  Will Martial Law extension ends the conflict there or would it just be  one of Duterte’s means to stay in control as they rightly believe?  There are thousands of   civilians who have fled their homes in Marawi City because of the conflict and some of the evacuees died of various diseases like dehydration.  Talk of human rights violation and extra judicial killing and there you’ll see how this government works.  Do we really need to extend Martial Law? So sad.

The Philippine peso is now at its weakest performance this year. Prices of basic commodities have significantly gone up.  Even those we buy at the wet market  are sky-high.

I am not really looking forward to the State of the Nation Address come Monday. I don’t want to hear more lies and cursing.  Where are we going?

P. S. 5:25pm

This came an hour ago. Breaking news:  Joint House-Senate vote: 261 affirmative, 18 negative. Martial Law extension wins.

Gosh, I don’t know what to say of our lawmakers.


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There goes my dream of blogging every day to challenge myself again. For the past three days, I was not feeling so well due to bad colds and occasional cough which tax my strength until now. For two straight nights, I sometimes sleep sitting down with lots of pillows  behind me for support.  I hear these wheezing sounds that seem like mice chasing each other inside my throat and the best way that I could sleep is by lying flat on my back or sitting  down with my feet straight. Oh, the misery of having colds on a cold January. We may not be getting the extreme cold weather just like in other areas/countries but I think cold nights and hot days are not good combinations.  Lately though, the sun peeps through now and then and the weather is mostly cloudy during the day. I feel my achy bones taking it all in, it sometimes zaps one’s strength and I still have to prepare for the lunch party my friends and I have planned for Saturday. Good luck to me. I am praying though that I will be well enough to join the fun and entertain them here.

If my garden could speak, it’s probably complaining of neglect. I haven’t watered it for the past two days but my son promised that he will tend to it when he comes home tonight.  I miss blogging and reading blogs too and my eyes get  easily tired when I check messages on my cellphone. I am not used to small prints and it’s even harder to navigate.

Bad colds, please go away. January, please be gentle to me.

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