
Posts Tagged ‘welcome October’

Some comments went to “pending” and when I approved of them, they got lost in cyberspace.  I couldn’t find  them.

What’s happening WordPress? Even some of those comments which I already answered are still in my  comment box without replies. Crazy!

I haven’t tried using that block editor yet. I feel comfortable with this old format.  Hopefully, I could use it for a long time yet.

I started reading  Ruth  Reichl’s  memoir last night entitled Tender At The Bone: Growing Up at the Table.  A delectable read,  full of simple recipes that you can experiment on.  A short read at 304 pages. I think this is my third book of hers. When you have a hopeless cook in the family (like her mother), you would try learning how.

Oh, September is about to end. I welcome October with gladness because it is my birth month.

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Sunday. 3:30 am and here I am, wide awake. I slept early though.

Uneventful September. It is slowly inching its way out and October is showing its face again.  October, my birth month, something to look forward to.

The stormy days are almost over and in a few days, “hanging amihan”  (trade winds) would be here.  It is the weather I like best  when the cool northeast winds take over the harsh and rainy months. This usually lasts until February of the following year. Shorter days, longer nights, what bliss!

October is the month of Mama Mary. It’s the rosary month. The celebration of La Naval de Manila is getting near. October is when the Siberian winds bring those cold mornings.  You anticipate, you get excited. After all,it’s only about 86 days more to go for that special day you’ve been waiting for.

Time  flies!

We’re now in the fourth quarter of the year and before you know it 2018 is gone. I do hope 2019 would be a better year for us all.




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