
Archive for April 28th, 2017

I’ve blogged about this before, that of being thankful for each new day in our lives. In fact, a birthday post some years ago is still included in my most-read blog  here on WordPress.

You might ask how could we be thankful when nothing good is happening? How could we utter that simple word of thanks when every thing is a mess?  How could we even appreciate a day without it? How?

I believe in second chances. I was given that chance almost eight years ago when the family decided once and for all to take that bold step of deciding that I undergo chemotherapy. As  I’ve said earlier in my other blog posts, being sick is not a walk in the park and deciding to try  a treatment that some people consider toxic is a big decision in our lives.  Sometimes though, we have to take that leap of faith.  Somehow, there is always something that may come out right out of it.


Wow, big word for us ordinary people.  I must admit that sometimes we just see things as if they are due to us, we forget to be gracious and thankful about them.  Being thankful for even the simplest blessing has become a way of life for me. Even staying here in front of my PC typing my thoughts is thankfulness itself. I am grateful for  my life, my family and friends.  I am grateful to have met all these wonderful people on social media.  No matter how boring life sometimes is, there is always something that we should be thankful for.  That spontaneous smile because you feel happy.  That laughter that automatically comes because there is something to laugh about.  The unexpected blessings that make us happy.


Giving thanks, acknowledging that happiness may sometimes be a fleeting thing but there is always that one particular hour of the day that happiness abounds.

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