
Archive for July 11th, 2010

You might find it weird when I say that grocery shopping is one of the guilty pleasures in my life.  Of late, since I’ve been hospitalized again last  May,  I seldom go out except when I visit my doctors and  attend Sunday masses.  I do get tired easily, can’t even exercise because of the DJ stent, I am ever so careful of doing household chores that tax my strength.

Anyway, after a few hours finding that much-needed dress for next  Sunday’s reunion, I accompanied my daughter and the hubby to do the grocery.  I always enjoy grocery shopping  – reading labels, finding new items to buy, searching for a lower-priced commodity, and looking at expiry dates . I am very particular  about this since I found out that  some of those that  they place on their  ON Sale bins  are actually a few days short of reaching the end of  its shelf life.  Believe me, don’t ever buy those Buy One, Take One items that you see without checking  them first .  You might just go home  with a dented can of sardines or an about to expire item.

A few days ago, I was looking at the neatly arranged shelf of one of the branches of Mercury Drug Stores while the hubby was in line buying  my medications.   Imagine that silly grin on my face when I saw  a box that reads Tancho Pomade. And I asked myself, “buhay pa eto?”.  The last time I saw a jar of that brand was way back in high school because  my Dad used  it to keep his short hair in place.  Time changes things though, because the now generation uses all sorts of hair treatments – from gel to anti-frizz spray to hair mousse to styling wax.  But Tancho, yikes, I didn’t even like the greasy feel of it.

And going back to my foray at the grocery store shelves,  I found these  packs of  Tarzan and Judge. Oh come on, don’t tell me you didn’t grow up munching on  Tarzan Bubblegum.  Wow, after all these years, these  childhood favorites are still here.  Mom used to bring home bubblegum  for us kids every time she does the  weekly marketing.  My brothers and I even had that sort of contest as to who could produce the biggest bubble and  outlast the others.  Choc-nut, who could forget these  delectable and delicious peanut and chocolate bars of old?  Nobody told us that it was bad for the teeth and too much sugar is also bad for the health.  Remember those exchange gifts called Kris Kringle? Back then, receiving a box of  Choc-Nut was like having  a sinfully addictive Toblerone and Andes Mints.

It seems that our memories of childhood were  synonymous with food dear to us.  Summer fruits like siniguelas, duhat, guava, mango, atis, to name a few are  some of the things I really crave for.  One could not exchange the pleasure of climbing  duhat trees, even sometimes getting a frown and a sermon from Mom because you filled your pockets with these plum-like fruits not knowing that the stains of the juice are hard to remove.  One thing that I haven’t seen for quite a long time now is balimbing. and I am not speaking of your traditional-turn-coat politicians.   Gosh, I have to google the translation of  balimbing in English, and they call it star fruit.  As to why it was closely associated with the former, tell me.

Looking back, it’s the simple things that give us so much pleasure.   What’s yours?

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