
Posts Tagged ‘weather outlook’

Yesterday, I was grateful about the drizzle but today I am not happy about the rains. Yes, it is raining again and it’s been raining since  early this morning when Josef and I left the house to do our twice a month marketing.

Then around 7:30 am, I went to The Medical City satellite clinic for my urinalysis and doctor  consultation. God is good. After a month of trying several medications based on my urine culture, the last one was effective.  It’s pretty back to normal. No red blood cells, no pus cells, protein and sugar are negative.  Worrying about one’s health disrupts normal living. I have to go back though after a month for regular check-up of my sugar and another urinalysis. I don’t mind the lab tests.  As long as they turn out normal, I am happy. My doctor said, “breathe easy now, you are well and good”. Thank God.

I can’t help but say a few words regarding our present political situation here. The present government is promoting federalism and two of our economic managers, the NEDA Director General Pernia and Finance Secretary Dominguez are against it but one Concom delegate, a priest at that ( I knew him when he was a Philosophy student in UST) suggested that they remove these two from office.

Got this meme from Sen. Kiko Pangilinan’s website.

These two are after the welfare of the Filipino people but those aligned with the president seems to think it would be best to approve federalism. Gosh, they are only after their own welfare. If no elections are held come 2019, what would happen to us?  They would scrap the election in favor of a new change on government. But those in the know say that the Philippines is not ready for a federal form  of government.

I was just wondering why when  those few honest government officials tell the truth, the present government make issues of their removal.  Is this where we are going?

The ship is sinking.

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