
Posts Tagged ‘prayer request’

It seems like it is not a rainy season in our place. The sun is shining brightly and it’s hot. Angat Dam where our  water distributor Manila Water gets its supply  has further declined. The past rains in the metropolis barely added up to the water level in Angat. Water is still under scheduled distribution. It’s a good thing it is during night time that they shut it off.

I checked my stats a while ago and I was surprised to find viewers from Congo – Kinshasa, Russia and Poland. They are not regular visitors to my blog. When I blogged about the results of my laboratory, there were several spam comments on some antibiotics. I am glad there is always Akismet to filter all these spam comments.

I am still trying to find new bloggers to follow and I found some who have similar contents like I have. It feels like you have found a treasure when they talk about the things you like, topics that you are interested in and yes, book reviews.

I am also discovering some book recommendations from Goodreads which I like to find one of these days. So much to read. I have all kinds of books on several topics, YA books, fiction, adventures, some romance books, memoirs, and historical fiction. I love a bit of history in a book.

May I ask a favor from all of you? I talked to my brother, cousins and sis-in-law this morning. My brother is not yet well. I told them to come over so we could take him to the hospital here. WE NEED PRAYERS for his healing. Could you please include him in your prayers too? His name is Alden. Thank you, thank you so very much.

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