
Posts Tagged ‘need blessings and strength’

So I had my JAK 2 mutation assay yesterday morning with three vials of blood extracted. I’ll get the result on Friday.

My medtech friend, a Filipina who is in the US and used to work at a hospital there explained to me what JAK 2 means. If you have it, it means you have a bone marrow disease. If it turns out negative, there are two others that she told me for further testing, CALR and MPL mutation which are equally expensive like the JAK 2. Those were what the hematologist told me. I just didn’t know the names.

In one of my youngest brother’s messages, maybe this has something to do with my previous cancer almost fifteen years ago and never drinking  milk in the process so my bones are weak. According to mom, I was breastfed when I was a baby. I have never drank milk in my life except  that one month stay at the hospital when I was seven months pregnant with Nissa so she will grow inside my womb. She was born prematurely at 3.9 lbs. And was left at the hospital two weeks after birth. Imagine pinching your nose every time the nurses give that glass of milk every morning for the whole month. I didn’t like the taste and felt nauseaus. I had preeclampsia before and that started my ordeal until now.

Sometimes I feel so down but I am not losing hope. Lifting it all up to Him.

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