
Posts Tagged ‘my 10th year being a survivor’

Finally I’m done reading the book Pachinko and I am giving it five-stars on Goodreads. Seldom that you find a book this good. It deals with  cultures  between two nations, a  historical family saga of four generations, how they struggled in a foreign land – simply beautiful. A story of “love, sacrifice, ambition, and loyalty”.  A deeply engrossing novel.

Josef and I did a little gardening  this morning but we haven’t finished trimming the carabao grass. He has to go back to the dentist to have the stitches removed on his gums. He has one of his molars pulled out last week. I wonder when we will be able to finish it  because we are going home to the province this coming weekend to visit Alden.

Thank you for all your prayers. There is nothing like bombarding Heaven with such lovely prayers. I also asked my close friends and my priest friends to pray for Alden. Some offered their masses for his healing. I was able to talk to him this morning and he told me he was able to eat and sleep last night. That’s good news indeed for me. I use unli-calls for Globe lines to reach them in the province. A P20 worth is good for one day unlimited calls to all Globe users.  My youngest brother and I are using Viber calls to talk to each other. It is always nice to have online connections at home, you won’t need to pay the costly overseas calls. Viber is a helpful tool to get in touch abroad. I even use it to call my other friends who also use the Viber app.

I’m the only girl among four siblings so my brothers always consult me  when it comes to major decisions in the family.

Feeling so blessed. It’s been ten years. THANKING GOD for second chances.


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