
Posts Tagged ‘fried rice’

Early this morning, I was checking my news feed and saw this photo which Richard Paul Evans (my favorite author) shared on his wall. He has been on my mailing list for I think, more than ten years now and when I joined Facebook several years ago, we became online friends. I think and I presume he would not really mind my sharing this pic since he is always generous enough to let his fans  share his personal quotes (in pictures) lifted from his several published books. I actually have a whole album (around 192 photos) that I collected over the years.  He made one of  his favorite recipes – fried rice.

Richard Paul Evan's fried rice. It does look yummy!

Richard Paul Evan’s fried rice. It does look yummy!

I was envious. I was actually planning to cook fried rice too for breakfast using just  three cloves of garlic . Partnered with  longganisa (our native sausage)  with spicy vinegar as dipping sauce , it is really yummy.  His recipe is included in his Promise Me Recipe Book .  I made one  of my own. Here in our country, anything goes with fried rice, you can invent and add your favorite ingredients  and it is a meal in itself and since rice is a staple food in our country (we eat rice three times a day), it is easier to turn left-over food into something really yummy. Here’s mine.

Fried rice is a stand- alone meal mostly served in Chinese restaurants.

Fried rice is a stand- alone meal mostly served in Chinese restaurants.

I used four pieces of longganisa, cut into cubes, two eggs, two cloves of garlic, diced green bell pepper, diced carrot, a pinch of salt and white onion. Josef loved it.

Want to try it? Give me some feedback.


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