
Archive for May 24th, 2024

I left the house around 6am expecting Friday traffic. Amazingly, there was none so I arrived at The Medical City Hospital before 7am. I dropped by the Ambulatory Care Unit to get the hard copies of the results of my CARL and MPL blood tests. They e-mailed me again three days ago but I told them, I’ll just get the results when I visit the hematologist today. There were quite long explanations of the positive result of the CARL, technical terms I do not really understand.

Dr. Rosales’ clinic is at 10am but there are already two patients before me listed. Her clinic sched is by appointment so you have to secure a slot first before coming over.

I was on Messenger with a good friend last night. She lives in Hongkong as an OFW. She was the one who sent me 3 boxes of organic barley a month ago. She will be sending 3 boxes more tomorrow. She helps friends who are not healthy. She hasΒ  a  trainor  here in the Philippines and also helps future franchisee to start their own business. There are friendsΒ  and there are good friends who would not think twice in helping. I appreciate it so much. Organic barley is a food supplement which is anti-oxidant and rich in multi-vitamins. I does not run counter to my other medications since it is not a drug.

I was praying that whatever interpretation my hematologist says, it should be at least acceptable to me. She explained that the positive CARL mutation is the result of my elevated platelet count. I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard that. She gave me a prescription of Aspiren for four months and a request for CBCΒ  by September. My next check-up with my endocrinologist is on July. Yeay,Β  some good days of rest. Perhaps I could sleep better now. I am glad for my prayer warriors who are so supportive of my plight and some friends here at WordPress who left inspiring messages on my posts. Thank you all so much. πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜β€πŸ§‘πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸŒ»πŸŒΊβš˜πŸ’πŸŒΌ

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