
Posts Tagged ‘Pontifical Catholic University in the Far East’

I could not count the times I blogged about University of Santo Tomas, the Royal, Pontifical and oldest university in the Far East. It makes one proud of being an alumna there from high school to college.  We fondly call it USTe. I had so many photos of it which I took over the years whenever I had time to take a visit. I remember that the last time I visited the place was when Nissa had her thyroidectomy first week of September 2019 at the UST Hospital.

The very first time that I set foot there was during the summer of 1969. As I graduated from the province, I was quite late in taking the entrance exams for high school students. Since my dad also worked there, I was allowed to take the high school entrance exams at the office of the principal. At first I had a hard time adjusting to high school life. Most of my classmates were honors students from known schools in Metro Manila. I just garnered First Honorable Mention when I graduated from grade school. What I liked most about high school? The friends and classmates I got to know better, our English, Science and History teachers, quite disliked Algebra and Trigonometry. I loved  Chemistry and Physics though.

When I was in college, I worked for a time at the UST Main Library, Humanities Section. I was proud to be called student librarian and I gained lots of friends in the process. That’s where I learned to appreciate serious reading. I loved the rituals of attending early morning student masses at the UST Chapel. Finally earned a degree in Economics when I left the university.

It has changed a lot, more buiĺdings, pavilion and research center over the years. Proud to say that Nissa, Josef and I are alumni of UST embracing a good Catholic education in the process.

Got some photos from the net since I already uploaded most photos I took over the years.

This is the main building of the university.


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