
Posts Tagged ‘hospital stay with Alden’

Hello friends. I’m back….finally. Seems like I’ve forgotten how to blog. Everything seems new to my eyes.

I spent a week with my brother who is still at the hospital until now. He is scheduled for a CT scan procedure tomorrow morning. I read the result of of his ultrasound but the lingo is foreign to my ears. They found cysts in his liver. Hoping and praying everything would be okay and the nodules are not malignant. It is still a long journey for him getting well and all. He has become too thin for my liking and he looks older than his real age. Besides,  his blood sugar is a bit not on the normal level. So glad though that he has a little appetite now compared to the first two weeks of his illness.

To think that I am older than him by almost five years. I gave him a brown scapular. He was teary-eyed when I placed it on his neck.

With a niece, Josef, Nissa, another niece and a cousin. Taken when we arrived at the hospital. Nissa, Josef and I went straight there when we arrived. They stayed overnight.

I remember my own ordeal ten years ago. IVs has been non-stop, his arms are full of needle marks, antibiotics and other medications are injected into the IV.

Once again I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for my brother.  May you all be blessed.


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