
Posts Tagged ‘tubig’

Last night, I couldn’t sleep because of the heavy rain with matching thunder and lightning to boot. Thunderstorms are frequent  before the actual rainy season sets in. Maybe this is the start.  There is a low pressure area somewhere in the Visayas and it is somehow affecting Luzon too. The sun is afraid to show its face.

What I don’t like about the rainy season are the flash floods. When it rains hard, the streets on low-lying areas get flooded and traffic will be at its worse. When it rains even harder, it is a little frightening. I prefer the lovely months beginning October until March. By then the weather is just okay with little rain while April and May seem to be the hottest months of summer. This year, June is still so hot.

A friend from Cebu City and I started talking about climate change yesterday when she saw my post from CNN.

If we won’t do our share, then who will? Some people don’t care, some are not probably aware that this is a climate emergency that needs our attention. It is a global problem.

I’ve often blogged about those garbage that are haphazardly thrown at the sidewalks, on the streets and even in areas which are privately owned. I often see empty bottles of mineral water and plastic of soft drinks and straw atop my Santan blooms. Most people are undisciplined. Cigarette butts increase every day, some even reach our garage when it is windy.

I hate to say this but it seem we are in a water crisis. Water at Angat Dam where Maynilad and Manila Water  source our water supply (two concessionaires that supply our water needs)  is now below critical level. They shut down water distribution at night. Early this morning at 3am, I woke up only to find there is no flow even in our bypass faucet at the laundry area.  Enough water does not reach our overhead tank. The latter supplies our water needs inside the house.  Right now until probably around 8pm, we  don’t have water interruption but the flow is not as strong as before.

It’s a lovely Monday. The sun is finally shining….at last.





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