
Posts Tagged ‘a tribute to Ding’

Gosh, I lost another friend.

This is a sad day. Early this morning I learned of the devastating news that another friend is gone. I met her online through Multiply seven years ago. It was one of those online meetings through common friends. She wrote poetry and migrated to the US more than three years ago. In between exchanging news and comments later at Facebook, we finally met personally together with her two grandchildren. It was a lovely  meeting, talking about  family, friends, social media and books.  Met her again when she was completing her requirements for an interview at the US Embassy about six or five years ago. I gave her a rosary and she gave me a set of Hallmark stationery and several gardening mags.  She found out she had cancer  when she was already in the US.

Time is a thief.

I thought she was doing okay already but she died last night. We planned of meeting again  when she comes home but death claimed her. She published a book of poems and she said she will give me a copy. So sad really that I won’t be able to see her again. She lives on through her words. She had a WordPress blog but never updated it after a few entries.

Rest in peace Ding. Keeping you in my prayers.

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