
Archive for January 11th, 2024

I have been gardening the past two afternoons. I should be finishing the last corner but the ground is too wet since there was a heavy rain last night so here I am again…reading.

I have told you before that I have a virtual library at Goodreads. It’s where I update the books I read, currently reading and wish list books that I like to read in the future.

At the moment, I have these books under the heading ‘currently reading’.

The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton. He was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mistic and a poet. He was ordained to the Catholic priesthood back in 1949. I love his other books No Man Is An Island and Thoughts in Solitude but for some strange reason, I could not finish The Seven Storey Mountain not because it was poorly written but the fine prints hurt my eyes. The book is his autobiography. I wish I could find an e-book of this so I can adjust the format. I started it in April 2019 but stopped eventually. It was a gift from a friend.

Ten Poems To Open Your Heart by Roger Housden. A friend gifted me this book last December 2022 and he taught me how to go about slow reading, analizing every word and reading them slowly. I finished five poems including one by Mary Oliver and wrote about them in my journal but I think slow reading is really not for me.

Peaches for Father Francis by Joanna Harris. Started it last August 16, 2023. Set in France and a sequel to the Oscar-nominated Chocolat starring Johnny Depp. I’ll give it a go once again in a few months probably.

The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger. I have only read one book of his a long time ago entitled Ordinary Grace. I am presently reading this now. Small town life in Minnesota. This describes in depth how the scars from WWII still affect its people. It speaks of the hardship of life in small farming communities. Loving it.

Book Lovers by Emily Henry. I know she is a good writer but after a few pages, I gave up. It will take sometime before I continue reading it. There are more interesting ones in my TBR list.

Happy Place by Emily Henry. I am not really into reading romance but I got curious why it won the Goodchoice Award in the Romance category for 2023 in Goodreads. I am in the middle of alternating it with The River We Remember.

Here are some book quotes that you might like:

– some books are so familiar that reading them is like being home again. – Louisa May Alcott

– to learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. – Victor Hugo

– books are the place, and the train,and the road. they are the destination and the journey. – Anna Quindlen

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